Released: June 2006
Next CBECS will be conducted in 2007

Table B26. Space Heating Energy Sources, Number of Buildings for Non-Mall Buildings, 2003
  Number of Buildings (thousand)
Space-Heating Energy Sources Used
(more than one may apply)
Propane Other a
All Buildings* ............................... 4,645 3,982 1,766 2,165 360 65 372 113
Building Floorspace
(Square Feet)
1,001 to 5,000 ................................ 2,552 2,100 888 1,013 196 Q 243 72
5,001 to 10,000 .............................. 889 782 349 450 86 Q 72 Q
10,001 to 25,000 ............................ 738 659 311 409 46 18 38 Q
25,001 to 50,000 ............................ 241 225 114 151 11 9 11 Q
50,001 to 100,000 .......................... 129 123 60 84 8 8 Q Q
100,001 to 200,000 ........................ 65 62 29 39 9 9 Q Q
200,001 to 500,000 ........................ 25 24 11 15 4 4 Q Q
Over 500,000 ................................. 7 6 3 4 1 2 Q Q
Principal Building Activity
Education ....................................... 386 382 180 186 21 25 36 Q
Food Sales ..................................... 226 188 98 79 Q N Q Q
Food Service ................................. 297 282 125 171 Q Q 31 Q
Health Care .................................... 129 124 62 68 Q 2 Q Q
  Inpatient ....................................... 8 8 4 6 1 1 Q Q
  Outpatient .................................... 121 116 58 62 Q Q Q N
Lodging .......................................... 142 142 103 57 16 Q Q Q
Retail (Other Than Mall).................. 443 408 169 236 35 Q 40 Q
Office ............................................. 824 802 380 465 46 16 36 Q
Public Assembly ............................ 277 258 83 141 37 6 Q Q
Public Order and Safety ................ 71 70 24 31 Q Q Q Q
Religious Worship .......................... 370 359 152 208 36 Q 44 N
Service .......................................... 622 515 180 266 82 Q 75 68
Warehouse and Storage ............... 597 316 150 178 28 Q 24 Q
Other .............................................. 79 67 32 41 Q Q Q Q
Vacant ........................................... 182 69 27 40 Q Q Q Q
Year Constructed
Before 1920 ................................... 330 302 66 183 72 Q Q Q
1920 to 1945 .................................. 527 442 142 309 48 12 Q Q
1946 to 1959 .................................. 562 493 195 280 65 13 41 Q
1960 to 1969 .................................. 579 524 212 281 49 13 43 Q
1970 to 1979 .................................. 731 648 293 360 46 6 48 45
1980 to 1989 .................................. 707 618 352 271 36 4 74 Q
1990 to 1999 .................................. 876 719 380 373 34 8 72 Q
2000 to 2003 .................................. 334 236 126 107 Q Q 47 Q
Census Region and Division
Northeast ....................................... 726 672 179 347 229 17 24 Q
  New England .............…............... 233 211 48 57 114 Q Q Q
  Middle Atlantic .............................. 493 461 131 290 115 12 Q Q
Midwest ......................................... 1,266 1,112 356 774 59 13 144 36
  East North Central ........................ 696 633 181 524 25 8 Q Q
  West North Central ...................... 571 479 175 250 34 Q 126 Q
South ............................................. 1,775 1,462 883 630 51 20 136 Q
  South Atlantic .............................. 874 746 492 264 40 13 80 Q
  East South Central ....................... 348 283 134 150 Q Q 41 Q
  West South Central ...................... 553 433 257 217 Q Q Q Q
West .............................................. 878 735 348 413 22 15 67 Q
  Mountain ...................................... 299 273 96 177 Q 7 32 Q
  Pacific .......................................... 580 462 251 236 Q 8 Q Q
Climate Zone: 30-Year Average
Under 2,000 CDD and --
  More than 7,000 HDD ................... 855 752 245 477 135 6 67 38
  5,500-7,000 HDD ......................... 1,173 1,055 325 670 124 27 71 36
  4,000-5,499 HDD ......................... 673 626 246 306 70 13 Q Q
  Fewer than 4,000 HDD ................ 1,276 1051 553 576 27 12 96 Q
2,000 CDD or More and --
  Fewer than 4,000 HDD ................ 669 498 396 136 Q 7 Q Q
Number of Workers (main shift)
Fewer than 5 ................................. 2,653 2,080 874 988 239 Q 251 78
5 to 9 .............................................. 778 733 336 431 58 Q 51 Q
10 to 19 .......................................... 563 536 261 316 27 Q 40 Q
20 to 49 .......................................... 398 387 176 270 17 16 20 Q
50 to 99 .......................................... 147 141 63 98 10 7 Q Q
100 to 249 ...................................... 77 76 39 46 6 9 Q Q
250 or More ................................... 30 29 16 17 3 5 Q Q
Weekly Operating Hours
Fewer than 40 ............................... 1,002 751 287 347 82 Q 107 Q
40 to 48 .......................................... 1,117 1,037 472 546 98 12 93 39
49 to 60 .......................................... 1,062 965 418 571 77 18 79 Q
61 to 84 .......................................... 591 535 234 330 42 11 32 Q
85 to 167 ........................................ 400 331 143 195 28 9 28 Q
Open Continuously ........................ 475 364 211 176 34 10 32 Q
Energy Sources (more than
one may apply)
Electricity ....................................... 4,404 3,971 1,766 2,164 358 65 369 107
Natural Gas .................................... 2,391 2,344 671 2,165 73 24 Q 27
Fuel Oil ........................................... 451 443 116 90 360 4 20 Q
District Heat ................................... 67 67 8 4 Q 65 Q N
District Chilled Water ...................... 33 32 6 8 Q 24 Q N
Propane ......................................... 502 489 179 40 59 Q 372 Q
Other .............................................. 132 132 41 35 28 Q Q 113
Primary Space-Heating
Energy Source
Electricity ....................................... 1,258 1,258 1,258 153 23 Q 41 Q
Natural Gas .................................... 1,999 1,999 386 1,999 33 Q Q 19
Fuel Oil ........................................... 282 282 30 8 282 N Q Q
District Heat ................................... 63 63 5 Q Q 63 Q N
Propane ......................................... 308 308 73 N Q Q 308 Q
Other .............................................. 72 72 Q Q Q N Q 72
Cooling Energy Sources
(more than one may apply)
Electricity ....................................... 3,589 3,434 1,640 1,945 213 31 298 57
Natural Gas .................................... 17 17 9 17 Q Q N Q
District Chilled Water ...................... 33 32 6 8 Q 24 Q N
Water-Heating Energy Sources
(more than one may apply)
Electricity ....................................... 1,910 1,815 1,066 708 164 25 211 49
Natural Gas .................................... 1,445 1,407 409 1,281 44 15 Q 14
Fuel Oil ........................................... 94 87 6 Q 86 Q Q Q
District Heat ................................... 27 27 4 1 Q 26 Q N
Propane ......................................... 128 124 46 Q Q Q 100 Q
Cooking Energy Sources
(more than one may apply)
Electricity ....................................... 410 392 203 220 31 4 38 Q
Natural Gas .................................... 457 439 176 352 28 7 Q Q
Propane ......................................... 108 101 40 Q Q Q 51 Q
Energy End Uses (more than
one may apply)
Buildings with Space Heating ........ 3,982 3,982 1,766 2,165 360 65 372 113
Buildings with Cooling .................... 3,625 3,469 1,643 1,956 215 53 298 59
Buildings with Water Heating ......... 3,472 3,337 1,474 1,912 290 59 311 76
Buildings with Cooking ................... 801 764 348 446 80 9 81 Q
Buildings with Manufacturing ........ 119 111 51 66 Q Q Q Q
Buildings with Electricity
 Generation .................................... 149 148 74 89 17 7 16 Q
Percent of Floorspace Heated
Not Heated ..................................... 663 N N N N N N N
1 to 50 ............................................ 523 523 275 214 57 Q 64 Q
51 to 99 .......................................... 498 498 229 294 48 5 41 Q
100 ................................................. 2,962 2,962 1,261 1,658 254 59 266 89
Heating Equipment (more
than one may apply)
Heat Pumps .................................... 476 476 466 124 6 2 28 Q
  Packaged Heat Pumps ................. 278 278 268 71 Q Q Q N
  Split-System Heat Pumps ............. 166 166 166 43 Q Q Q Q
  Individual Room Heat Pumps ........ 58 58 57 22 Q Q Q Q
Furnaces ....................................... 1,864 1,864 554 1,273 188 Q 212 65
Individual Space Heaters ............... 819 819 604 399 79 4 122 40
District Heat ................................... 65 65 6 4 Q 65 Q N
Boilers ............................................ 579 579 161 397 144 Q 30 18
Packaged Heating Units ................. 953 953 572 529 17 3 79 Q
Other .............................................. 205 205 116 80 36 Q 40 47
See "Guide to the Tables" or "Glossary" for further explanations of the terms used in this table. Both can be accessed from the CBECS web site -
 * Figures in this table do not include enclosed malls and strip malls. Mall buildings add an estimated 213 thousand buildings comprising 6.9 billion square feet.
a  "Other" includes wood, coal, solar, and all other energy sources.
Q=Data withheld because the Relative Standard Error (RSE) was greater than 50 percent, or fewer than 20 buildings were sampled.
N=No responding cases in sample.
Note: Due to rounding, data may not sum to totals.
Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, Form EIA-871A of the 2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey.