National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 1940] WE LEARN Conference - New ALE Wiki Section

ejonline at ejonline at
Sun Feb 10 21:20:28 EST 2008

Hi. As part of the WE LEARN 2008 Conference, we have set up a special section in the Adult Literacy Education Wiki. Descriptions of each of the sessions at the conference have been uploaded to a separate web pages, and on those pages you are encouraged to post questions or thoughts about the topics addressed. The hope is that ideas and questions posted prior to the conference will be introduced at the conference during the session. Also, after the conference will we ask the presenters and attendees to respond to the questions on the web. In addition, some questions posed on the wiki will be posted on large newsprint and attendees will be able to write responses. Those responses will also be collected and uploaded to the wiki after the conference is over.

As you can gather, this is an experiment to see how a wiki and other digital technology can increase participation (even among those cannot attend physically) and to make the conference part of an ongoing conversation.

Below are links to the different sections. I encourage you to check out the site and to post your thoughts, questions and comments in the various sessions.

Main Conference Page

Friday Schedule (with links to specific sessions)

Saturday Schedule (with links to specific sessions)


Erik Jacobson

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