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Site Support Contractor Solicitation - Electronic Reading Room
Information Technology and Engineering Support Services – DE-SO26-08000537

It is anticipated that the solicitation for Information Technology and
Engineering Support Services will be issued in late January, 2009.
A synopsis has been posted to IIPS for this action.

The electronic reading room is part of NETL’s strategy to provide information that may benefit potential offerors in preparing their proposal. The information is provided to assist the reader in gaining an enhanced understanding of the requirement.

The magnitude of this effort is expected to be $6,000,000 or more per year.

The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code for this effort is 541513 with a size standard of $25.0 million. The NAICS is provided for use by businesses in determining their appropriate business size. For further information on business size definitions please refer to the Small Business Administration's web site.

The goal of this solicitation is to obtain quality professional support for NETL’s Information Technology function. The support will align IT resource expenditures with business goals and objectives and will enable an IT environment which is responsive to organizational requirements. This contract will facilitate access to a cadre of personnel with the experience and skills to identify, document, and satisfy these requirements in an ever-changing, complex IT environment. This contract will also satisfy the need to augment the core contract personnel with specialized skills as necessary to ensure the above is accomplished in an efficient, secure, and timely fashion. A comprehensive, overarching project management approach will be required to ensure that costs are controlled, schedules are met, return on investment (ROI) is maximized, and business/program objectives are attained.

For all portions of the work defined in the Statement of Work that are encompassed by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) for Development (CMMI-DEV), the work shall be performed at CMMI-DEV level 2 or higher. The prime contractor shall be rated at CMMI-DEV level 2 or higher and shall ensure any and all subcontractors performing work encompassed by CMMI-DEV adhere to the prime contractor’s defined level 2 or higher methodologies. A copy of the SCAMPI Class A Appraisal Disclosure Statement shall be maintained on file with the Contracting Officer for the prime contractor and any subcontractors holding a level 2 or higher rating. The organizational element defined in the disclosure statement shall be the same organizational element performing the work identified. Key personnel with assigned responsibilities encompassed by the CMMI-DEV must have experience working in a CMMI level 2 or higher environment.

Work performed under the subsequent acquisition is anticipated to include logistics and administrative support for IT activities, project management, software license and maintenance agreement management, cyber security planning, reporting and implementation, help desk support for NETL mission-specific systems, Enterprise Architecture (EA) support, support to operate and maintain DOE's Corporate Human Resources Information System (CHRIS), and application development and maintenance for NETL mission-specific systems. The resulting contract will also allow for the award of additional in-scope work assignments.


1.0   Draft Statement of Work [PDF-120MB] (10/24/2008)
        • NETL Introduction [PDF-87KB]
2.0   Referenced Documents, Policies, and Directives
        • EA-NETL Procedure 200_2_1 EA Investment MGT Process [PDF-83KB]
        • EA-NETL Form 203-1-1 EA Investment MGT Process [PDF-232KB]
        • EA-NETL Order 200-2 Enterprise Architecture [PDF-76KB]
        • Overarching NETL Procedure 420-3-1 [PDF-441KB]
        • Focused Standards List [PDF-85KB]
3.0   Additional Information (i.e., Operating Environment, Operating Manuals)
        • Applications [PDF-16KB]
        • CHRIS Background [PDF-16KB]
        • CHRIS BusRepSurvey [PDF-10KB]
        • CHRIS-DBServers [PDF-10KB]
        • CHRIS-WindowsServers [PDF-11KB]
        • EA-Example Concept & Scope 1 [PDF-194KB]
        • EA-Example Concept & Scope 2 [PDF-1.8MB]
        • EA-IT Arch Board Decision Criteria [PDF-28KB]
        • EA-IT Architecture Board - Tech Arch [PDF-175KB]
        • EA-IT Architecture Board - Tech Review Process [PDF-1.9MB]
        • EA-IT Architecture Board Charter V.2 [PDF-111KB]
        • EA-PEP Survey [PDF-14KB]
        • EA-structural-model [PDF-68KB]
        • Help Desk SLA [PDF-45KB]
        • Help Desk Survey [PDF-12KB]
        • Mobile Device Survey [PDF-24KB]
        • NETL Software Engineering [PDF-19KB]
        • Overarching - Focused Standards List [PDF-118KB]
        • ResearchEnvironment [PDF-10KB]
4.0   Government Furnished Property
5.0   Solicitation & Accompanying Documents