National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2728] Re: Online Teaching PD Workgroup

Lobaccaro Gina (DOC) Gina.Lobaccaro at
Wed Dec 31 08:20:56 EST 2008

I am also looking forward to participating in this group.
I am a correctional educator in southern Delaware. I manage the Correctional Education page on the Adult Literacy Education Wiki -
I am also working on my doctorate in Educational Technology. I have a very strong interest in online communities of practice for professional development; I wish I could figure a way to use the concept - perhaps with my local colleagues -for my doctoral writing. But, apart from that, I would very much like to participate in this group.
I do not have a sense yet how we will look, how this group will look... how we will collaborate/work together. But I offer my experience and time. I am here to help!



Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it - but sail we must and not drift, nor lie at anchor. (Oliver Wendell Holmes)

Gina W Lobaccaro

Sussex Correctional Institution

Prison Education Program

PO Box 500

Georgetown, DE 19947

302-856-5282 x 6204

gina.lobaccaro at

From: professionaldevelopment-bounces at [mailto:professionaldevelopment-bounces at] On Behalf Of cherbert at
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 2:04 PM
To: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2722] Re: Online Teaching PD Workgroup

Hi All,

I don't frequent this list much but couldn't help but nibble on this topic. I'm a tech coordinator for SABES and have been dipping my toes in various forms of online PD, as has SABES as a whole. I'd be interested in a workgroup as well.

Charlie Herbert
Technology Coordinator
(413) 552-2019
cherbert at

SABES: Training leaders in Adult Basic Education

For more information on the System for Adult Basic Education Support (SABES) please go to:

For more information on upcoming SABES offerings or to register for events please go to:

----- Original Message -----
From: djrosen1 <djrosen1 at>
Date: Monday, December 29, 2008 1:12 pm
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2711] Online Teaching PD Workgroup
To: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List <professionaldevelopment at>

> Hi Crystal,


> Thanks for your informative post. Does GED-i also provide GED-i

> teachers with training online (or in a blended training model)

> to

> teach GED-i students online? Although it may not have been clear,

> I

> was suggesting that there may be a small group of PD-ers

> interested

> in working to develop a design or a model for training teachers to


> teach online students, a design that is aligned with the newly

> developed AALPD PD standards and that also draws on best

> practicies

> from those who have been training teachers (online) to teach

> students

> online or in blended learning models.


> So far, I have heard from three people who are interested in

> forming

> such an (online) work group. Crystal, would you also like to join


> this work group? Are there others who would like to join? If so,

> email me and I will be glad to send everyone who is interested an

> email with the names and email addresses of those who are

> interested

> so we can get started.


> David J. Rosen

> djrosen1 at


> On Dec 29, 2008, at 11:04 AM, Crystal Hack wrote:


> > Hello All,

> >

> > I would be more than willing to be a part of a small discussion

> > group on this.

> >

> > The GED-i does almost all of our PD online or at a distance. We


> > began to offer PD online/at-a-distance as a direct response to

> the

> > cut in our adult education budgets, our limited PD staff time

> > available to travel around the state of IL and to other states.

> We

> > needed to save our project $s and time and save our adult ed

> > provider $s and time away from the classroom as well.

> >

> > We provide the following at a distance PD and have provided it

> to

> > IL and our other partner state users for several years.

> > A variety of phone conference PD opportunities (these are very

> well

> > received and attended).

> > Several online chat opportunities using (we used to


> > use yahoo but have switched to tappedin for a variety of reasons


> > that I can share).

> > Email follow up to F2F trainings to extend the learning process

> and

> > provide further support to our users.

> > Online email trainings that range in length from 3 weeks to 6

> weeks

> > that are geared toward administrators (program leadership),

> > coordinators, and instructors.

> > Full day, half day, and one hour video conference trainings and

> > training follow ups are also a part of our offerings as well.

> > Online email mentoring for a 12 week period that follows our F2F


> > training or our email trainings.

> > Two online courses are also available, although they are fairly

> > labor intensive and require a much higher level of commitment

> than

> > the other at-a-distance offerings we provide our users.

> > When we started this we had a hard time filling our at a

> distance

> > PD and offered about a equal amount of F2F and at a distance

> > trainings. Now we offer about 90% online and have waiting lists


> > for our PD and have to go as far as having repeat offerings that


> > were unscheduled to accommodate those who want to take part. We


> > have learned a lot offering PD at a distance. We have

> definitely

> > evolved our registration, training, tracking, and follow up

> > processes as well as the structure of the PD we do.

> >

> > Let me know if there are questions and if you would like me to

> be

> > involved in further discussion of this topic.

> >

> > Crystal

> >

> > --

> > Center for the Application of Information Technologies

> >

> > ----- Original Message -----

> > From: "djrosen1" <djrosen1 at>

> > To: "The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion

> List"

> > <professionaldevelopment at>

> > Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 8:12:26 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada

> > Central

> > Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2703] Re: Economic Stimulus

> and

> > Professional Development

> >

> > Colleagues,

> >

> > On Dec 27, 2008, at 3:05 PM, Jackie A. Taylor wrote:

> >

> > So, a few questions:

> >

> > What are the considerations for professional development if the

> > $500 million stimulus for adult education became an immediate

> reality?>

> > * Massachusetts many years ago decided that 10% of its state and


> > federal adult education funding should be used for professional

> > development. I think that's a guideline that should be

> recommended

> > to other states in all new federal funding.

> >

> > * We (professional developers, practitioners) need federal

> funding

> > for a national research center specifically for adult literacy

> > education (like NCSALL).

> >

> > What additional models already exist that we can learn from?

> >

> > One of the adult literacy education delivery models that has

> great

> > promise, but that will require significant new and additional

> > professional development ,is online learning. This is especially


> > useful for programs that involve initial face-to-face training

> and/

> > or education and then job placement, where there is still need

> for

> > continued education once the person is working, but because of

> the

> > work schedule there is not much opportunity to attend classes. A


> > blended model, that involves some face-to-face, perhaps one or

> two

> > Saturdays a month, and 4-10 hours a week of online learning

> might

> > be an ideal model for some people in this situation. Currently

> > there are very few adult literacy education teachers who have

> been

> > trained to do online learning well. If online or blended

> learning

> > significantly expands, there will be a "labor shortage" of these


> > teachers.

> >

> > How would we get up and running as quickly as possible?

> >

> > We are now close to having final AALPD standards for

> professional

> > development. Using those standards as a touchstone, and the

> > knowledge gained by Project IDEAL, the Health Care Learning

> Network

> > in Massachusetts, The McDonald's Corporation's English Under the


> > Arches, programs that have used English for All (and now USA

> > Learns) and other online and blended learning models, perhaps we


> > could discuss here -- and archive on the ALE Wiki -- some design


> > principles, objectives and content areas for

> training/professional

> > development in online teaching. Has someone already done (or

> begun)

> > that?

> >

> > If there were a small group of people who were interested not

> just

> > in discussing this, but also working on developing a PD design

> for

> > online adult literacy education teaching, perhaps they could

> > organize themselves in an online workgroup (using Officezilla,

> > Community Zero, a Google or Yahoo group and/or a wiki). We could


> > discuss that here, too.

> >

> >

> > David J. Rosen

> > DJRosen at

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > David J. Rosen

> > djrosen1 at

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------------------------- National

> > Institute for Literacy Adult Literacy Professional Development

> > mailing list professionaldevelopment at To unsubscribe or

> > change your subscription settings, please go to


> > mailman/listinfo/professionaldevelopment Professional

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> > section of the Adult Literacy Education Wiki http://

> >

> > Adult_Literacy_Professional_Development

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> > National Institute for Literacy

> > Adult Literacy Professional Development mailing list

> > professionaldevelopment at

> >

> > To unsubscribe or change your subscription settings, please go

> to

> >

> >

> > Professional Development section of the Adult Literacy Education

> Wiki>

> > Adult_Literacy_Professional_Development






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> Adult Literacy Professional Development mailing list

> professionaldevelopment at


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