National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2607] Re: Question for the List

Anderson, Philip Philip.Anderson at
Fri Oct 17 10:32:37 EDT 2008

You wrote: "My second question comes about because in my proposal for my issue paper, I mentioned the difference and defined the difference between 'pedagogy' and 'andragogy'."

Could you share with us the definitions you developed for andragogy and pedagogy, please?

Wikipedia gives this definition of andragogy:

Andragogy Andragogy is the process of engaging adult learners in the structure of the learning experience. The term was originally used by Alexander Kapp (a German educator) in 1833, was developed into a theory of adult education by the American educator, Malcolm Knowles , (April 24, 1913 -- November 27, 1997).
Knowles held that andragogy (from the Greek words meaning "man-leading") should be distinguished from the more commonly used pedagogy (Greek: "child-leading").
Knowles' theory can be stated as four simple postulates:
Adults need to be involved in the planning and evaluation of their instruction (Self-concept and Motivation to learn).
Experience (including mistakes) provides the basis for learning activities (Experience).
Adults are most interested in learning subjects that have immediate relevance to their job or personal life (Readiness to learn).
Adult learning is problem-centered rather than content-oriented (Orientation to learning).

Wikipedia gives this definition of pedagogy:

Pedagogy (IPA: /ˈpɛdəgɒdʒi/ <> ), or paedagogy is the art <> or science <> of being a teacher <> . The term generally refers to strategies of instruction, or a style of instruction.
Pedagogy is also sometimes referred to as the correct use of teaching strategies (see instructional theory <> ). For example, Paulo Freire <> referred to his method of teaching adults as "critical pedagogy <> ". In correlation with those teaching strategies the instructor's own philosophical beliefs of teaching are harbored and governed by the pupil's background knowledge and experiences, personal situations, and environment, as well as learning goals set by the student and teacher. One example would be the Socratic schools of thought.

It is interesting that the contributors to wikipedia stated that andragogy is a process and that pedagogy is an art or science.


Phil Anderson

(850) 245-9450

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