National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2442] Re: Universal Design and Professional Development

patricia espinoza-toro astrophsx0 at
Tue Aug 19 16:29:54 EDT 2008

Hello everyone:

This website has alot of useful information on the subject.

Hope this helps!

On 8/19/08, Taylor, Jackie <jataylor at> wrote:


> Hello everyone,




> I couldn't help but notice that no one's posted a response yet to Janet's

> question below. Has anyone provided or participated in PD on Universal

> Design?




> What's entailed (or should be entailed) in such a PD activity – PD on what,

> exactly?




> PD on:




> - Multiple Intelligences?


> - Learning styles?


> - How to lay out text when designing worksheets?


> - How to make your computer lab accessible to everyone?


> - Diversity?


> - Something else?




> What resources might you recommend?




> And what does differentiated instruction "look like" in professional

> development?




> Thanks in advance for any insights. I know we have a habit of helping each

> other…just want to make sure this question wasn't missed.




> Looking forward…Jackie




> Jackie Taylor, List Moderator, jataylor at



> ------------------------------


> *From:* professionaldevelopment-bounces at [mailto:

> professionaldevelopment-bounces at] *On Behalf Of *Janet Isserlis

> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 13, 2008 4:29 PM

> *To:* The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List

> *Subject:* [ProfessionalDevelopment 2438] quality standards feedback

> -universal design




> All


> A question about universal design, as discussed in the PD section of the

> Adult Ed wiki (which is, I believe web folks would say, VERY robust, thanks

> to Jackie's excellent work).






> The standard:

> *.* Prepares practitioners to create supportive learning environments and

> hold high expectations for all learners.


> and its indicators:

> *

> (a*) PD planning takes into account the principles of universal design

> *

> (b*) PD providers are trained in the principles of universal design

> *

> (c*) PD planning takes into account the diversity of the professional

> development population including issues related to gender, ethnicity, race,

> poverty, first language, and disabilities

> *

> (d*) PD providers use differentiated instruction to meet the needs of

> all learners



> Our question (at the RI adult ed PDC) - what does training in principles of

> universal design look like?


> We're familiar with some of the resources on UD and some of the underlying

> principles, but are wondering what, if anything, people may have done

> specifically to address this piece – either as part of their own PD and

> learning and/or as trainers/practitioner educators?


> thanks


> Janet Isserlis


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