National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2429] Re: Talk to Armed Force Recruiters for Referrals

Paoli, Beth Bpaoli at
Wed Jul 30 16:16:07 EDT 2008

My colleagues here at the Illinois State Library Literacy Office developed a publication titled "How to Start an Adult Volunteer Literacy Program". It is available at:

I hope this is helpful to you.

Beth Paoli
Literacy Consultant
Illinois State Library
Gwendolyn Brooks Building
300 South Second Street
Springfield, IL 62701-1796
bpaoli at
217.785.6923 - phone
217.785.6927 - fax

Jesse White, Secretary of State and State Librarian

-----Original Message-----
From: professionaldevelopment-bounces at [mailto:professionaldevelopment-bounces at]On Behalf Of Sharon Wolf
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 10:58 AM
To: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2426] Re: Talk to Armed Force Recruiters for Referrals

I am looking to start an adult literacy program, but I have no idea how to get it off the ground. I am centrally located in CT. I am looking for advice!


Sharon Wolf
sdwolf99 at

On Jul 28, 2008, at 7:06 PM, Virginia Pulver wrote:

The National Public Radio (NPR) audio-link (below) may be of interest to adult literacy professionals. While the film being reviewed is about an Army recruiter, there is quite a bit of discussion about how many Army applicants cannot pass the enlisted entrance exam – the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). As a former Air Force Recruiter myself, I can tell you that the ASVAB helps classify an individual’s interests and potential skills, but so many applicants fail to score at a minimum level. I even had college graduates who failed to pass this exam.
Why am I sharing this? You may want to cultivate a relationship with local recruiters (from all branches) and see if they will give you referrals. There are many motivated young adults who could benefit from the literacy opportunities you can share with them. I warn you though, some recruiters may be less inclined to work with you, but many of them may.
(FYI: if the link does not work, cut and paste it or go to the NPR site and look on the Sunday morning Weekend Edition show.)
Life is good…and every day we each have so many opportunities to make it better!
Virginia J. Pulver, AmeriCorps*VISTA
Recruiting Consultant, NM Coalition for Literacy
3209-B Mercantile Court, Santa Fe NM 87507
<mailto:virginia at> virginia at

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Subject: - Film Details Frustrations Of Army Recruiter : NPR
Virginia thought you would be interested in this story: Film Details Frustrations Of Army Recruiter : NPR <> &sc=emaf&sc=emaf
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