National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2287] Re: Whatdo wemeanbystudentinvolvement and critical thinking?

Steve Kaufmann steve at
Mon Jul 14 12:10:17 EDT 2008


I think that the activities of a language learner, and the attitude of a
language learner, are quite similar to those of someone learning to sing.
First one has to listen and get used to the sounds and rhythm. And one has
to find a way to enjoy the learning process. For a more complete description
of my view of language learning you can look at my
appeared on today.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 6:05 AM, Janet Isserlis <Janet_Isserlis at>

> Steve and all


> I don't *think* you're saying that English learning should be like music

> appreciation – that one can enjoy either (language or music) with no basis

> of prior expectation, concepts or assumptions? That the language or the

> music will just be heard and appreciated?


> Surely, part of the language learning process involves

> receiving/hearing/taking in. But for learning to occur, active processes of

> meaning-making have to happen.


> In order to learn, to make meaning, there needs to be some basis of prior

> understanding, of a world view, yes, of assumptions. The critical thinking

> part (in the target language, in this case English) may, for some, be merely

> a matter of learning the words to translate thoughts from a first language

> into English). For others, it's a process of asking questions, weighing

> options, learning more about possibilities and consequences.


> Janet





> *From: *Steve Kaufmann <steve at>

> *Reply-To: *The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List <

> professionaldevelopment at>

> *Date: *Fri, 11 Jul 2008 14:43:00 -0700

> *

> *

> > I am of the opinion that beginner ESL learners should be allowed to

> listen to the language and try to enjoy it, with little requirement to state

> what their assumptions are on anything.


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Steve Kaufmann
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