National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2238] Re: What do we mean bystudentinvolvement and critical thinking?

Louise Wiener lwiener at
Wed Jul 9 17:25:28 EDT 2008

Very much so. LLF uses art, architecture and design because the process
builds basic learning skills while pulling on people¹s creativity,
knowledge, and pride. It is truly a strength based approach.

Design based approaches are more typically applied to gifted and talented
programs than to adult ed. I think there¹s lots of mileage top be made in
adult ed by using design as a medium for recognizing and building on
strengths. Louise

On 7/9/08 4:38 PM, "Holly Dilatush" <holly at> wrote:

> Very interesting post, Louise; thanks!

> Just a quick comment -- your ideas about LLF remind me of the principles of

> universal design, which seems to be creeping into more and more discussions,

> philosophies, applications...


> This has been one of my favorite discussions ever on the listserv -- lots of

> voices chiming in! Keep the ideas coming, please.

> I'm hoping to add a more substantive post before the discussion 'closes' --


> holly


> On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 1:20 PM, Louise Wiener <lwiener at> wrote:

>> Hello All,


>> I have been following the language development / critical thinking

>> discussion with interest. Learning and Leadership in Families, the

>> non-profit I lead in Washington, DC, uses visual literacy - i.e. learning

>> through looking - to encourage both language development and critical

>> thinking. We teach critical thinking through exercises that gather

>> information through careful observation and encourage critical thinking by

>> comparing and contrasting what the adult already knows with the information

>> gathered from visual clues.


>> LLF teaches how to use visual vocabulary (line, shape, color, texture, etc)

>> to explore familiar environments and/or to decode unfamiliar environments.

>> This can be done with dress / costume, with buildings or with other objects

>> that encourage discussion about cultures and their similarities and

>> differences. The process of building on what people already know and

>> underpinning their knowledge with a structure that encourages critical

>> thinking and deductive reasoning results in language development.


>> What is most interesting in an ELL context is that the visual vocabulary

>> provides a structure that cuts across cultures, but different cultures

>> interpret different visual elements differently. For example, the meaning

>> of different kinds of lines is universal. The meaning of different colors

>> and patterns varies from culture to culture - but is present as an

>> identifier across cultures. Makes for interesting conversations. Louise

>> Wiener

>> --

>> Louise W. Wiener, Executive Director

>> Learning and Leadership in Families


>> Holly (Dilatush)


>> holly at

>> (434) 960.7177 cell phone

>> (434) 295.9716 home phone

>> [OK to call 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. EST / GMT -5 time]


>> "Live with intention. Share inside~out smiles, inspire hope, seek awe and

>> nurture in nature." (original by Holly)



>> <>

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>> *Twitter ID = smilin7



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