National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2223] Discussion: Mid-Week and Catching Up

Taylor, Jackie jataylor at
Wed Jul 9 09:51:47 EDT 2008

Professional Development Colleagues,

Many have subscribed since Monday so if you haven't yet, please feel
free to post an introduction and your questions about student
involvement and critical thinking.

How do I catch up on discussions?

Two easy options:

1. I've compiled all posts-to-date based on the themes emerging in
discussions (manually updated). Visit:

See the box in the upper right. Each link in this box contains
all postings for that topic.

2. Visit the list archives (automatically updated):

Should I email on or off list?

Some have mentioned emailing off-list. Please keep the conversations on
the list as it connects with the week's discussion topic. This way the
dialogues involve us all in a collective critical exploration of the


Resources, lesson plans, links or references to instructional tools that
aid in critical thinking - keep them coming - all who are subscribed
will receive a compilation of what's shared. For example, what are some
links to graphics tools that pertain to what Tom Sticht discussed - or
links to other resources you've found helpful?

Tolerate a little chaos

"Messiness has its place...Meaningful conversations depend on our
willingness to forget about neat thoughts, clear categories, narrow
roles...Eventually, we will be surprised by how much we share in common.
The deeper order that unifies our experience will show itself, but only
if we allow chaos early on."

-- Margaret Wheatley

Expect list dialogues to be a bit messy at times. We can have many
conversations going on at once. Think of your subject line as a sign in
a large room that flags people to one area of it. Those who are
interested based on your subject line will follow and possibly
contribute. If you don't specify the subject line, then some will not
attend to the conversation who might otherwise engage.

Thanks to all who are sharing their thoughts, reflections, and resources
- this is a terrific conversation and you're enabling us to move forward
- both "about" critical thinking and student involvement -- and in
exploring (sometimes difficult) questions ourselves.

Best, Jackie

Jackie Taylor, List Moderator, jataylor at

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