National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2116] Re: The PD List and COABE

Taylor, Jackie jataylor at
Sun May 4 15:11:11 EDT 2008

PD List Colleagues,

Over the last few weeks, several of you have shared information about
the sessions you were presenting at COABE. I also asked those of you who
are not attending to share with us your interests in hopes that COABE
may shed some light in these areas. A compiled thread of those posts can
be found by visiting:

For those who attended or presented one or more COABE sessions, please
tell us:

What stood out to you about the conference in general, or any session in

What did you gain from the conference? What were some key take-aways or
'ah-ha' moments?

What are your next steps, or what do you see as the need or future
direction in this/these key area(s)?

Please share your thoughts by posting them to the list (or add them
directly to the ALE Wiki if you wish). I'll then compile any list posts
and add them to the Wiki page below.

In the meantime, will a COABE conference planner please share with us
the details about what we can anticipate regarding accessing conference

Thanks so much!


Jackie Taylor, Adult Literacy Professional Development List Moderator,
jataylor at
National Institute for Literacy
Association of Adult Literacy Professional Developers

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