National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2086] Re: Literacy Results Prove Worth OfProgrammes

Susan Reid sreid at
Tue Apr 15 22:36:21 EDT 2008

Hi everyone

I saw David's post but work was calling so it has taken me a little
while to get around to replying

Because this initiative is happening in the schooling sector I am not
as au fait with it as I would be if it was in the adult literacy sector.

However here is a link to the project on the Ministry of Education's

The initiative is long term though as you can see and has used a team of
specialists from different areas working with trained literacy
facilitators in schools. Principals have also been enrolled into the
initiative to ensure it gets incorporated systemically. The approach has
been to build communities of practice both in schools and across
schools, where evidence is used by teachers to reflect on their practice
to improve student learning.
The type of evidence described ranges from informal observations that
form the teacher's 'log-in-the-head', to more formal tests that most
schools administer regularly.

The other major initiative that the Ministry has been involved in is
the development of Best Evidence Syntheses
See media release and more details below

It is great that this project is making a difference - it is well
resourced and the Govt is committed to it

This communities of practice model is also being used in the Adult
Literacy sector with the development of the Learning Progressions and
teaching support materials.

A number of clusters have been formed which hold regular meetings with a
'developer' who facilitates learning within the cluster. Members of the
cluster are expected to use materials developed in the cluster in their
own teaching and to reflect on this at the next cluster meeting

Hope this is useful and that the weather is good in Knoxville

Kind regards Susan

-----Original Message-----
From: professionaldevelopment-bounces at
[mailto:professionaldevelopment-bounces at] On Behalf Of David
Sent: Tuesday, 15 April 2008 12:14 a.m.
To: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2083] Literacy Results Prove Worth

PD Colleagues,

This article, Literacy Results Prove Worth Of Programmes, about a
K-12 PD study in New Zealand may be of interest.

Perhaps our NZ colleagues on this list could tell us more about the

David J. Rosen
djrosen at

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