National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 1906] Looking for consultant for project in Hartford, CT area

Steve Bender SBender at
Wed Feb 6 12:16:24 EST 2008

If you are interested in this, or know someone who is, please get in
touch. Contact info is at the bottom of this note. Thanks.

Steve Bender

1199 Training Fund, Hartford, CT


An agency consortium has a need for a Planning Facilitator to assist in
a regional strategic planning initiative as part of a grant addressing
regional needs for Adult Education and Literacy in the Greater Hartford,
CT area. The planning grant is from the Hartford Foundation for Public


1. Literacy Issue/Need Addressed

This initiative addresses the need for stronger regional service
coordination in the Greater Hartford area among providers of adult
literacy services with the ultimate goal being improved service delivery
and better learner outcomes.

2. Description of Steering Committee

The initiative will be coordinated by a steering committee which
includes the following organizations: Capitol Region Education Council,
1199 Training and Upgrading Fund, Greater Hartford Literacy Council,
Hartford Public Library, Literacy Volunteers of Greater Hartford, and
Vernon Regional Adult Education. United Way will participate as a fiscal

3. Proposed Strategy and Target Population

Research in the field indicates that stronger coordination among adult
literacy providers leads to improved service delivery and better
outcomes for learners. In discussions held with the Hartford Foundation
and Greater Hartford area adult literacy providers over the past year,
the overwhelming sense is that providers in this community are committed
to working together more effectively. The challenge, however, has been
in defining exactly what that means.

These discussions have provided a solid foundation in research, best
practices in coordination of adult literacy services, and local studies
which speak to the specific service gaps and resources in the Greater
Hartford area. However, the focus of the discussions most often migrated
toward defining systems to support coordination, rather than defining
what collaborative efforts would be worth pursuing, and then building
the supportive system around those efforts.

The initiative will focus discussion first on function, then form. We
are fortunate in that the group begins with a consensus goal: improved
service delivery and better student outcomes and that the group agrees
that coordination among providers could be improved and would positively
impact both those objectives.


1. Review profile of regional services (environmental scan)
offered by area Adult

Literacy providers and current collaborations among such providers.
Review of recent Connecticut reports on adult literacy coordination and
collaboration including the Greater Hartford Literacy Council's CLEAR
reports, the State's Program Review and Investigation Committee's report
on Adult Literacy Coordination and the Hartford Foundation for Public
Giving's report on Adult Literacy Coordination.

Review of reports from other areas (within, and outside, Connecticut)
regarding adult literacy coordination and collaboration.

2. In collaboration with the consortium steering committee, plan
and facilitate a one day retreat of local Adult Education and Literacy
providers for approximately 20 participants

3. Facilitate 3-4 half-day follow-up meetings of service
provider participants. These meetings will be focused on the various
"functions" that will support improved learner outcomes, then the
various "forms" that need to be put in place to support those functions.

4. In partnership with the initiative service providers, complete a
report of findings and recommendations for regional action as a result
of the planning process. The report and recommendations should include:

* the identified functions and forms for improving adult
literacy coordination in the region

* short (identified priorities) and long-term strategies and/or
projects including timeline for completion


1. Extensive experience in the field of adult education and/or
adult literacy

2. Strong analytical skills and ability to articulate
findings and recommendations objectively

3. Strong facilitation skills

4. Experience with community development initiatives
and regional collaboration.

Projected Duration - March 3 - September 30, 2008

Compensation - $100/hr. for a maximum of 150 hours

Letter of interest and resume submitted via mail or email to:

Steve Bender

Executive Director

1199 Training and Upgrading Fund

77 Huyshope Ave.

Hartford, CT 06106

SBender at

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