National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 1876] New from the Center for Adult English Language Acquisition: A brief on credentialing and certification for adult ESL instructors

Miriam Burt mburt at
Wed Jan 16 10:04:52 EST 2008

Hello, everyone.

I'm pleased to announce that the latest brief from the Center for Adult
English Language Acquisition (CAELA), Adult ESL Teacher Credentialing
and Certification, is now available on the CAELA Web site and can be
downloaded at

This latest CAELA brief was written by JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall of the
University of Maryland Baltimore County and Genesis Ingersoll and
Jacqueline Lopez of the Center for Applied Linguistics. Ths brief
describes efforts to professionalize the workforce of adult ESL
educators, including efforts to certify and credential these teachers;
discusses the qualification requirements for adult ESL teachers in the
50 states and the District of Columbia; and recommends steps for states
to take to continue to professionalize the field.

Of special interest and use, I think, is Table 1, which lists the
credentialing and certification requirements by state, from each of the
50 states, as well as the District of Columbia. This information was
gathered through conversations with staff at the state departments of
education. The table is a hyperlink, on page 5 of the printer-friendly
version, in the section entitled Data Collection.

We hope you find the information helpful.



Miriam Burt

Center for Adult English Language Acquisition (CAELA)

Center for Applied Linguistics

4646 40th Street NW

Washington, DC 20016

(202) 362-0700

(202) 363-7204 (fax)

mburt at (email)

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