National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 1852] Re: Big Names in Literacy?

robinschwarz1 at robinschwarz1 at
Wed Jan 9 00:33:46 EST 2008

Eric=-- is it possible to access the papers of the awardees?  I am interested in the one about the Sudanese as well as Robin's.   Robin Lovrien Schwarz? 

-----Original Message-----
From: ejonline at
To: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List <professionaldevelopment at>; The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List <professionaldevelopment at>
Cc: Bruce C <bcarmel at>
Sent: Tue, 8 Jan 2008 4:09 pm
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 1848] Re: Big Names in Literacy?

In looking over the list Bruce Carmel provided, I was heartened to see the name
J. Michael Parker since I am the chair of the J. Michael Parker Award committee
for the National Reading Conference. This award is given out to graduate
students and non-tenured faculty who make presentations that address adult
literacy at the annual NRC conference. Recipients are given a plaque and $500
stipend to help pay conference expenses. I have pasted information about this
award below. This year NRC proposals are due on March 3rd, so there is still
time to submit your work for consideration. The conference in being held in
Orlando from December 3rd to December 6th.

Please contact me if you have any questions about the award.

Erik Jacobson

J. Michael Parker Award

The National Reading Conference awards the J. Michael Parker Award to encourage
research in adult literacy. The award is given to graduate students and
untenured professors who present research on adult learning or education at the
annual conference. The award was established in 2001 in honor of J. Michael
Parker, winner of National Reading Conference’s Student Research Award.
Recipients of the award receive a small cash award to be used for conference
expenses and are recognized during a general session of the conference.

The award is presented to both papers with a single author and to co-authored
papers. For single authored papers, the recipient will receive $500 and a plaque
commemorating the award. For co-authored papers, the recipients will each
receive a plaque and will decide amongst themselves how to divide the $500

Committee members will rate the submissions on the following criteria:

1. The research is capable of making a significant contribution to theory
and/or practice of adult learning and instruction.

2. The methodology is appropriate to the research question and of sufficient

3. Implications of the research are of a scope needed to impact the field.

Applicants will be notified of the results prior to the conference, and the
plaque and honorarium will be presented to the winner during a plenary session
at the conference.

Applicants are required to submit the full paper (25 pages or less)
electronically by October 1st. Papers must be double-spaced and in 12-point
font. The text limit does not include references and any appendices.

When submitting applications for the conference, those interested in the award
should indicate that they will be applying for the J. Michael Parker Award
(noted at the bottom of the personal information page).

Submissions and questions should be sent to the committee chair, Erik Jacobson,
at jacobsone at
(take out at, replace with @).

Previous Winners


Amy Johnson - “Literacy as Answerable Response: A Life History Portrait of
an African American Woman in a Rural Southern Community”

Kristin Perry - “More than Language Translation: Culture, Text and Genre
Aspects of Literacy Brokering among Sudanese Refugees”


Robin Waterman - “The Value of Mexican mothers, The Power of Effective Adult
Education: Fueling viable parent involvement through school-based ESL classes”

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