National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2596] Re: Voting - why it matters and what you're doing about it

Sarah Beaman-Jones sbeaman at
Tue Oct 14 10:17:56 EDT 2008

Jackie and all:

In St. Louis we recently were fortunate to have a training from Luz Santana
on The Right Question. The training focused on encouraging critical
thinking and civic engagement with a particular emphasis on voting in the
upcoming election. Learn more at their web site:

Sarah Beaman-Jones
Literacy Program Director

815 Olive Street, Suite 22
St. Louis, Missouri 63101

1-800-729-4443 ext. 206

On 10/14/08 7:11 AM, "Jackie A. Taylor" <jackie at> wrote:

> Hello Tom, Marcia and All:

> I appreciate Tom Sticht¹s posting on the historical groundings of voting and

> adult literacy in our country and your responses. In August, I posted some

> elections resources here that were collected by ProLiteracy and by others on

> voting. I¹ve since added this list to the PD Area of the ALE Wiki. What would

> you add to it ­ what have you found useful?




> I also asked for us to share what we¹re doing in our programs and classrooms

> to help adult learners understand the elections process, its value, and the

> candidates¹ positions on issues that adult learners say are important. Like

> Marcia, I¹m sure some of you have had challenges and successes in this regard.

> Now that we¹re full swing into fall, what are others doing about helping

> students with these issues? What were students¹ responses? What successes and

> challenges have you faced?


> And in professional development, what are ways you¹re supporting programs and

> teachers in teaching one of the most important democratic practices in our

> country?


> Looking forward to hearing from you,


> Jackie


> Jackie Taylor, PD List Moderator, jackie at




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