National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2595] New Issue of Focus on Basic--Health & Literacy Partnerships

Kaye Beall kbeall at
Tue Oct 14 10:05:05 EDT 2008

Health and literacy are inextricably linked, and health and literacy
providers are working together in new and exciting ways to use that link for
positive results. The newest issue of Focus on Basics is packed with
articles on a wide variety of partnerships: between nursing and teacher
educators in the university, between medical schools and literacy programs,
between health educators and literacy students, between health planners and
literacy providers. Also included in the issue is a long-awaited report on
a five-year study of the impact of a literacy curriculum that incorporate
health information on the literacy skills and health knowledge of learners,
a new way to look at what the health information in the National Assessment
of Adult Learning reveals, and how to use illustrations effectively in
health education materials. Authors include Dr. Susan Levy and colleagues,
Dr. Andrew Pleasant, and Dr. Ian Bennett and colleagues, and National
Institute for Literacy's Health Literacy discussion list moderator Julie
McKinney, among others.

Download the new issue of Focus on Basics, Volume 9, Issue B, "Health &
Literacy Partnerships" from the right hand column of publisher World
Education's home page: or find the new issue and all past
issues at and

Kaye Beall

Project Director

World Education

6760 West Street

Linn Grove, IN 46711


kaye_beall at

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