National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2584] Re: 'Currents' in PD

steve.reuys steve.reuys at
Wed Oct 8 10:36:01 EDT 2008

Jackie: I would be interested in exploring the question of how to
evaluate or assess the impact or outcomes of professional development
activities that we provide. Using the five levels of evaluation
delineated by Thomas Guskey, we are usually able to evaluate the
first two--participant satisfaction with an activity and participant
learning--but the other three--change in the organization/program,
change in practitioner behavior, and eventual learner gains--are much
more difficult to assess in adult basic education. It would be
interesting to see if others doing professional development in our
field are wrestling with the same issues and anyone has come up with
any useful approaches or strategies for doing this.

Steve Reuys
Director, A.L.R.I./Boston SABES
University of Massachusetts Boston
Wheatley Bldg., 4th fl., rm 04-167
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125-3393
steve.reuys at

On Oct 6, 2008, at 7:16 PM, Jackie A. Taylor wrote:

> Professional Development Colleagues:


> Sometimes, we might find ourselves "caught" in a daily work regimen

> or it is challenging to find time to participate in this online

> community. Good questions about PD confront us but we have little

> time to investigate them. (You might even feel a little guilty

> about it!)


> But here's an idea -- what if we combined efforts by intentionally

> exploring a PD question or two a month together -- where, for

> example, a question about professional development would be posted

> for discussion every-other Monday?


> The question would come from you -- something you are currently

> involved in or grappling with in providing professional

> development. You could post the question or send it to me for

> posting. Questions might cover, for example:

> Helping administrators build instructional leadership skills

> Providing effective PD around college transitions

> Identifying what's new and what's working in PD

> Showing return on investment in professional development

> Sharing Web 2.0 tools that others use to support communities of

> practice

> Extending practitioners' learning experiences beyond 'one shot'

> workshops

> Providing PD on demand for volunteer tutors

> Being an effective... facilitator...teacher...trainer...PD liaison,

> etc.

> This would not preclude anyone from being able to post a question

> anytime; rather, it would be a new way we could focus our energy to

> advance our work. Responses could be compiled in the PD area of the

> ALE Wiki.


> What do you think?


> If you like it, what's a question we might explore together?


> jackie


> Jackie Taylor, PD List Moderator, jackie at



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