National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2443] Re: Universal Design and Professional Development

Erica Litz lluvialand at
Tue Aug 19 17:02:47 EDT 2008


I haven't responded to the listserv in the past. I am an Adult Education Specialist for Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community. I am not sure if the following answers the question:

We have tried to implement Universal Design into our instruction and curriculum. We use's Multiple Intelligence assessment online. We use Discovery video resources, a brain-based interactive computer instructional program with audio, and group writing projects.

I like using math worksheets from because the font size can be changed. I give students who have trouble concentrating, are easily distracted, or who get overwhelmed when they see a whole packet, book or visually "noisy" printed lesson their instructional material piecemeal. Students are told to cover up the "noise" on printed material and look only at a small section at a time. I encourage to and show students how to draw a picture, diagram or chart of information from word problems to figure them out.

Our computer lab is wheelchair accessible. We know how to use Window's accessibility features, but we need to invest in adaptive equipment.

Erica Maria Litz lluvialand at
Adult Education Specialist
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community
ABE/GED Program

Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 14:36:05 -0400From: jataylor at utk.eduTo: professionaldevelopment at nifl.govSubject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2441] Universal Design and Professional Development

Hello everyone,

I couldn’t help but notice that no one’s posted a response yet to Janet’s question below. Has anyone provided or participated in PD on Universal Design?

What’s entailed (or should be entailed) in such a PD activity – PD on what, exactly?

PD on:

- Multiple Intelligences?
- Learning styles?
- How to lay out text when designing worksheets?
- How to make your computer lab accessible to everyone?
- Diversity?
- Something else?

What resources might you recommend?

And what does differentiated instruction “look like” in professional development?

Thanks in advance for any insights. I know we have a habit of helping each other…just want to make sure this question wasn’t missed.

Looking forward…Jackie

Jackie Taylor, List Moderator, jataylor at

From: professionaldevelopment-bounces at [mailto:professionaldevelopment-bounces at] On Behalf Of Janet IsserlisSent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 4:29 PMTo: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion ListSubject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2438] quality standards feedback -universal design

AllA question about universal design, as discussed in the PD section of the Adult Ed wiki (which is, I believe web folks would say, VERY robust, thanks to Jackie's excellent work). standard:. Prepares practitioners to create supportive learning environments and hold high expectations for all learners. and its indicators:(a) PD planning takes into account the principles of universal design (b) PD providers are trained in the principles of universal design(c) PD planning takes into account the diversity of the professional development population including issues related to gender, ethnicity, race, poverty, first language, and disabilities(d) PD providers use differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all learners Our question (at the RI adult ed PDC) - what does training in principles of universal design look like?We're familiar with some of the resources on UD and some of the underlying principles, but are wondering what, if anything, people may have done specifically to address this piece – either as part of their own PD and learning and/or as trainers/practitioner educators?thanksJanet Isserlis
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