National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2408] Motivating and Creating an Inspiring Environment

Taylor, Jackie jataylor at
Thu Jul 24 22:39:34 EDT 2008

Dear Colleagues,

Do you find that all of your students are motivated to learn because
they come to class?

That sounds like a really dumb question, but I've been thinking a lot
about motivation lately and what exactly we do as adult educators to tap
student motivation. Some might understand this to mean providing
extrinsic rewards; others might understand it as hooking into the
intrinsic motivation that is central to being a life-long learner. Still
others might describe this as helping students take ownership or
responsibility for learning.

Motivated Students

How would you describe the behavior of a motivated student? What does
the student do that cues you that he or she is motivated? What are the
signs? How often do you see these in your classroom or program?

Motivating Instructors

What are the top five things you do as a motivating instructor? Consider
the best and the worst lessons you've taught or have participated in. In
your opinion, what makes the former motivating and the latter
unmotivating for learners?

Looking forward to hearing from you,


Jackie Taylor, Professional Development List Moderator, jataylor at

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