National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2392] student involvement

Janet Isserlis Janet_Isserlis at
Mon Jul 21 14:31:46 EDT 2008


These are great questions.

I'm wondering what suggestions / recommendations you would make to programs
wanting to work well with learner leaders?



From: "VALUE, Inc." <info at>
Organization: VALUE, Inc.
Reply-To: <info at>, The Adult Literacy Professional Development
Discussion List <professionaldevelopment at>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 11:13:35 -0400
To: 'The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List'
<professionaldevelopment at>
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2337] Re: From critical thinking to

Now that the discussion for critical thinking is coming to an end, I have
some questions about professional development of adult education.
Jackie-to start, your definition of student involvement is good but I would
like to make sure that it includes students that are getting ready to finish
up in their programs, and students that have finished in their programs. My
first question is: How does your program systematically collect information
from the student population? How is this information formally put into your
program planning process? My second question is: Now that we have former and
present students volunteering and being paid to work in programs, what
professional development are we offering to these students and is this part
of your program plan? My third question is: If local programs are getting
present and alumni student input into their planning process does your state
plan have student input? Does the state have a plan to help local programs
include student involvement?


Marty Finsterbusch
Executive Director
VALUE, Inc. <>
strengthening adult literacy efforts in the USA
through learner involvement and leadership
-----Original Message-----
From: professionaldevelopment-bounces at
[mailto:professionaldevelopment-bounces at] On Behalf Of Taylor,
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 2:38 PM
To: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2289] From critical thinking to

Hello again, All,

Now that we¹ve explored what we mean by critical thinking, how does that fit
in with student involvement?

Here is what I have for a beginning definition of student involvement

I look forward to hearing from you. And let¹s also hear from those who have
not yet contributed but would like to do so.

- Thoughts, ideas? How do you Œinvolve¹ your students?

Thanks, Jackie

Jackie Taylor, List Moderator, jataylor at

What Is Student Involvement?

· Student involvement is when learners become involved in the
classroom or program in ways that help them meet their goals. Student
involvement includes a range of possibilities, including:
o actively participating in classroom activities
o becoming involved in a class project
o taking a position (volunteer or paid) within the program
o becoming involved in the community

· Students have a voice in class and program decisions that matter to

· Students create the vision for involvement, for the project or
position, such that their involvement equals the interest they have in what
is at stake.

· Student involvement is a learner-teacher partnership, renegotiating
the power dynamics inherent in traditional learner-teacher roles. Student
involvement fills the gap that seems to exist between students and teachers
because of this traditional power differential.

· Learners have greater responsibility by being involved, and it
offers their classroom peers student leadership models.

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