National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2355] Critical Thinking-Numeracy

Ellison, Art AEllison at
Fri Jul 18 11:03:41 EDT 2008

The discussion on critical thinking and numeracy got me to pull off my
bookshelf the best book in this field: Marilyn Frankenstein's ReLearning
Mathematics-A Different Third R-Radical Maths, published by Free
Association Books, 1989. It is described as, "At a time when government
demands are narrowing educational approaches, this book provides an
alternative-critical math "literacy". It sets math problems in the
context of current issues around race, gender and class."

There are also many math lessons in every issue of the Change Agent,
published by the New England Literacy Resource Center, that focus on
developing math skills in the context of building critical thinking
skills with adult education students. The Change Agent: Adult Education
for Social Justice: News, Issues and Ideas is a biannual publication
that "helps teachers incorporate social justice content into their
curriculum". The paper is designed for intermediate-level ESOL, ABE, GED
and adult diploma classes. Each issue focuses on a different topic that
is relevant to learner's lives.

Art Ellison, NH State Director of Adult Education

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