National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2130] Notice from the National Institute for Literacy

Maralit, Mary Jo MMaralit at
Thu May 8 14:35:45 EDT 2008

Dear List subscribers,

I just wanted to send out a little note of apology for emails that were sent
out from our development server.

We are currently re-configuring the server, which inadvertently sent out
emails to subscribers within the past 2 hours. Consequently, you may have
received an email from mailman-owner at Please disregard those
emails and accept my sincere apologies.

As subscribers, we understand the volume of mail that you receive daily and
we will take steps to avoid instances like this in the future.

If you have any questions, please let me know. I can be reached at
mmaralit at


Jo Maralit
National Institute for Literacy
mmaralit at

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