National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2117] Re: To COABE Conference Attendees - froma friend who could not get permission to attend

Taylor, Jackie jataylor at
Sun May 4 16:50:42 EDT 2008

Hello Gina!

Thanks for your very timely prompt - encouraging us to think about ways
to use the Internet in PD. While we advocate for PD funding we must also
identify creative PD options to see us through the difficult times.

1. How will you use technology to expand upon what you learn at the

I have created an ALE Wiki page where we could gather COABE attendees'
key take-aways from the conference:

2. Will you do any formal or informal "follow-through" activities
online related to the sessions you attended?

Yes. In fact last year, this List hosted a formal follow up to the AALPD
PreConference at COABE called "Going the Distance"
<> ) where we
explored online and blended models of sustained professional
development. List subscribers should let me know (soon) which topics or
sessions that they would like to see specific follow up discussion for
the Professional Development List.

Examples of ways we can do follow up:

* We can begin by discussing key take-aways from COABE on this

* We could host a guest or topic discussion (or series of short
discussions) on issues that resonate with PD List subscribers.

* Different COABE session presenters could be invited at various
times to share their presentation with us on this list and/or to be
available to discuss the issue, strategy, research, etc. that their
sessions addressed.

-- Other ideas?

3. Can you give me advice on how to encourage and engage my
Delaware colleagues into a serious online discussion regarding using the
Internet for professional development?

That is a question (when considered more broadly) that might be of
interest to others on this list. I think one way to do that is to
ratchet up the discussions on it here. What if we had a series of short
discussions this summer on the PD List regarding "Web 2.0 in
Professional Development"? For example:

* In June we might have a discussion of the role of the Internet
in program-based PD, and Web 2.0 tools and other processes for creating
PD plans and matching objectives with online resources.

* In July we might explore the role of social media in PD
including blogs, Second Life, wikis, etc. That might also include
discussion of work project environments that other PD colleagues are
using (Base camp, Community Zero, etc.), and some tools that we may not
be using that could be used (Jott, VoiceThread, Mlearning, etc.)

* In August we could talk about virtual conferences happening in
other countries, like NZ. We could also discuss the fall online course
options available: state and national online PD, including blended PD
and creative options for using courses offered nationally for PD credit.

Those are just a few ideas.

Having a discussion about how to use the Internet in PD on the PD List
might do at least two things. It could provide an opportunity for us to
explore that issue while also encouraging practitioners in our
respective states to participate in these discussions.

-- What do others think?

4. What have been your most positive experiences using online
forums for professional development?

Well, I'm biased but I've learned A LOT from subscribers on NIFL lists!

5. What do you believe to be the greatest obstacles toward building
a stronger practice of online (adult education) professional

Big question - perhaps we could address it in a discussion of Web 2.0 in
Professional Development?

6. Any other comments?

Thank you for prompting us to slow down enough to consider these issues!

Best, Jackie Taylor, jataylor at


From: professionaldevelopment-bounces at
[mailto:professionaldevelopment-bounces at] On Behalf Of Lobaccaro
Gina (DOC)
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 10:53 AM
To: professionaldevelopment at; technology at
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2113] To COABE Conference Attendees -
froma friend who could not get permission to attend


I am writing this particularly to those of you who are attending the
COABE conference - to all of you but in particular to my friends who
work on the ALE Wiki. I am a correctional educator in Delaware, and I
work with William Muth on the Correctional Education page of the Wiki.
I was able to meet for dinner last year in Philly with six other
Wikiteers, and I had hoped to attend the conference this year. I did
not get permission to attend this year's conference.

I am asking that as you take part in the conference, and while the
sessions are fresh in your mind and memory, that you will respond to
this posting AND go to my blog at and
leave 1-2 comments on any/all of the postings. This blog is a project
for my current course - toward my doctorate in Educational Technology,
but it is also my heartfelt attempt to engage Delaware adult educators
into a meaningful conversation about the use of Internet enabled
collaborative tools for our professional development.

Here are my questions:

7. How will you use technology to expand upon what you learn at the
8. Will you do any formal or informal "follow-through" activities
online related to the sessions you attended?
9. Can you give me advice on how to encourage and engage my
Delaware colleagues into a serious online discussion regarding using the
Internet for professional development?
10. What have been your most positive experiences using online
forums for professional development?
11. What do you believe to be the greatest obstacles toward building
a stronger practice of online (adult education) professional
12. Any other comments?

Thank you so much for taking time from the conference to send me some

Gina Lobaccaro

"For business reasons, I must preserve the outward sign of sanity."
--Mark Twain

Gina Lobaccaro
Sussex Correctional Institution
Prison Education Department
PO Box 500
Georgetown, DE 19947
Office (302) 856-5282 x 6204
Fax (302) 856-5642
gina.lobaccaro at

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