National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2098] Re: Metaphors for what teachers do

Marry Ellen Waddell mwaddell at
Wed Apr 23 11:16:41 EDT 2008

I enjoyed the metaphors, and would like to share one that actually landed me my job in adult education. When asked, "What do you consider your role as an ABE/GED instructor to be?", I responded by comparing myself to a cheerleader. The student himself does the work; my job is to coach(coax) him along and encourage him to continue when he gets discouraged.
I teach ABE/GED classes at a county correctional center by day and in our local technical school at night.

Mary Ellen Waddell

>>> djrosen at 04/23/08 09:33AM >>>

Thanks for this intriguing list, Jay.

I can only think about metaphors for teaching in the context of a
particular lesson I have taught, or a classroom or teacher I have
observed. I suggest the following two strategies to those whose
interest Jay has piqued, but who -- as I did at first -- draw a
metaphor blank:

* Think about a lesson you have taught or seen. Look at Jay's list.
Do any of these metaphors fit? Are any of them the opposite of the
metaphor you would choose to describe the lesson? Do they suggest to
you a better metaphor?

* My colleagues and I have put together (as far as I know the only
free, public, adult literacy education Web-site) collection of short
videos of classrooms and tutorials. Most are about 3-4 minutes long.
It's called the Media Library of Teaching Skills (MLoTS), and it's
designed for use by professional developers or teachers, to help
answer adult literacy education (including numeracy, English, and
secondary education) teachers' needs to see what other teachers do in
their classrooms. On the main page, so far, there are only a few
videos, but there will be more soon. On the Other Adult Learning
Videos page, there are many more. Look at one or two of these videos
and then either choose a metaphor from the list below, or come up
with your own metaphor, and share it with us.

The MLoTS (mmmLOTS! -- referring to how many videos we hope to have
there) Web address is

Be sure to also look at the page that is linked: "Other Adult
Learning Videos".

Here are a few of my own metaphors -- from teaching adolescents and
adults -- to add to Jay's list:

* Friends' (Quakers) meeting (i.e. waiting through the hard silence
for students to think and respond)
* "Sage on the Stage"
* "Guide by the side"
* Roller skating (getting around to each student in the class
* Fire fighting (putting out brush fires)

David J. Rosen
djrosen at

On Apr 23, 2008, at 7:46 AM, jay.derrick wrote:

> Hi there, I'm an adult basic education teacher, trainer and

> researcher from the UK.


> David Rosen recently posted a list of metaphors for Assessment on

> the Assessment list, suggesting that people comment and add their

> own. I'd like to suggest some metaphors for the activity of

> teaching in the same way, for comment and discussion. I have found

> group discussions of these a useful activity for professional

> development sessions. Here they are:

> Doing a jigsaw

> Riding a bicycle

> Caring for an elderly relative

> Changing a fuse

> Writing a book

> Running a marathon

> Painting a picture

> Directing a play or a film

> Growing vegetables

> Conducting tourists round a cathedral

> Cooking a meal

> Trying to persuade someone to agree with you

> Doing a crossword

> Taking a clock to pieces and putting it back together

> Playing chess

> Improvising a saxophone solo

> Designing a building

> Sorting out a gas leak

> Conducting an orchestra

> Sailing a boat

> Lighting a fire

> Filling up a car with petrol

> Changing the world

> Unpacking a box of books

> A parallel list could be made for Learning, and it seems to me that

> some of the metaphors might do for both teaching and learning.

> What does anyone else think?


> Jay Derrick

> BlueSky Learning Ltd

> jay.derrick at

> 07984 649 776




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Mary Ellen Waddell
ABE-GED Teacher

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