National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 1998] Financial Psychology of Worry and Women

Ricciardi, Victor victor.ricciardi at
Fri Feb 29 06:33:50 EST 2008

I thought this group would enjoy reading my new working paper on negative emotion, gender, and money management. "The paper is entitled “The Financial Psychology of Worry and Women."

The abstract of the paper is available at:

Also, if you scroll down the webpage you can download a PDF file of the paper.

I am especially interested in your assistance in identifying additional research studies to incorporate in my literature review in these areas:

1) The basic relationship between negative emotions (worry) and women; and

2) The influence of negative affect (worry) and gender (men vs. women) in money management, finance or investments.

My paper makes a connection to adult learning in two major aspects:

1)The notion of math anxiety and gender: Women that experienced “math anxiety” during their childhood are more likely to have a fear of investing during their adulthood.

2) The link between child development and gender. My review incorporates about seven studies that documents girls worry to a greater degree than boys during different phases of their educational years.

The main issue you can consider when reading my paper is “Do adult female learners reveal greater degrees of worry (higher levels of negative emotion) than adult male learners for different types of spending, money, and investment decisions?” (I encourage discussion of this question within our listserv.)

Thanks for your assistance.

All the best,

Vic Ricciardi

Contact information:

Victor Ricciardi
Assistant Professor of Finance
Kentucky State University

SSRN Coordinator: Behavioral & Experimental Research
The Social Science Research Network at

Work# (502) 597-6284
victor.ricciardi at

Electronic copies of my papers are available from my author page at the SSRN Electronic Library at:

Editor, SSRN Behavioral & Experimental Finance Journal:

Social Science Electronic Publishing, Inc. (SSEP)

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