National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 1892] Re: Teacher learning styles

Bonnie Odiorne bonniesophia at
Thu Jan 24 18:08:37 EST 2008

Dear colleagues,
Thanks, Jackie, for the follow-up question.
A wonderful way of provoking reflection, in any area, is a facilitated labyrinth walk, which can easily be adapted and contextualized for any purpose, educational or meditative. I am certain that it would be understandable to conference participants in the context of multiple intelligences, learning styles, finding creativity, motivation, purpose and intention. The labyrinth is a circular path with one entrance, a center, and one exitis by the same circuitous paths by which one entered. It is not a maze: just follow the path. The center has 6 petals, which one could associate with learning styles, multiple intelligences, or whatever categories of mindfulness the participant decides is important. Since the turns reverse directions as one follows the circuit, it is believed that right and left brain functions are fully engaged by the walk. It is certainly a multisensory-multimodality experience, involving kinesthetic (movement), auditory (optional music),
visual (the path itself, an ambience of labyrinth-related objects, candles, flowers, scarves, whatever). It can lend itself to verbal processing; while one doesn't want a "paper and pencil" exercise, participants are encouraged to journal their experience after and share it if they wish. Gardiner wished to have added a "spiritual/creative" intelligence, (and sometimes he wishes he'd never invented the idea of multiple intelligences!) so the meditation can contribute to that aspect as well. I wonder if the "mindfulness" as a reflection on multiple intelligences or learning styles would come from the teacher's own experiential learning from the activity, as well as reflecting on the experience of students who, as the teachers would in a labyrinth walk, potentially experience sensory overload, as do ELLs coming to a new language and culture, with a whole set of multiple inputs where learning is in every daily activity: nothing can be taken for granted.
I published an article in Changes (don't have the reference offhand) on a peace walk in an elementary school adult education/family literacy setting, including ESL students. Participants could reflect on the 'strangeness' of the labyrinth experience if they're not familiar with it, associate "peace" with silence and meditation, and equate it to the experience of new English Language Learners trying to walk a path set out for them they've never seen before, feeling lost.... Or, in the context of the Peace walk, which was just after 9/11, participants could imagine alternative pathways for themselves, their students, the world.
Warmest regards, and many thanks for presenting this fascinating and thought-provoking process,
Bonnie Odiorne, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor in English, French, and Freshman Studies
Writing Center Director
Post University
Waterbury, CT

----- Original Message ----
From: "Taylor, Jackie" <jataylor at>
To: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List <professionaldevelopment at>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 3:02:25 PM
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 1891] Teacher learning styles

Hello Bonnita, All,
Thanks to Bonnita and Jeff for reminding us of the many ways we can use the PD List in our work.

Reflecting on our own learning styles and how to facilitate that reflection can be a lot of fun. I’m wondering, would anyone like to share what they have done to facilitate teacher reflection on learning styles/multiple intelligences? Or, what are some interesting approaches you’ve seen?

Thanks, Jackie

Jackie Taylor
Adult Literacy Professional Development List Moderator
jataylor at

From: professionaldevelopment-bounces at [mailto:professionaldevelopment-bounces at] On Behalf Of Bonnita Solberg
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 11:27 PM
To: englishlanguage at; professionaldevelopment at
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 1890] Facilitator Needed for CA ESL Retreat

Hello All: The Oakland Adult and Career Education (OACE) ESL Program is in urgent need of a facilitator who could present a guided, mindful activity for a retreat the ESL Program is having in beautiful Tamales Bay on the Pacific Ocean. This retreat will beheld at the Marconi Center , which is run by the National Park Service. It will be held on Friday evening Februaruy 23 and Saturday, February 24th. The Professional Development, Program Planning Committee has decided on "Look In, Listen and Learn: Teach with Reflection" as a theme for the retreat. The "Look In" segment would be a mindful activity focusing the individual's attention on their unique learning style (to be used interchangeably with multiple intelleigence); this introduction to reflection sets the tone for the retreat and will be presented on Friday evening (7 p.m. to 10 p.m.). Would it be possible to put out a call on your list for someone to facilitate an activity such as this? We
ask that respondants include their fee for service schedule with their response.

We are also interested in any suggestions for a mindful activity that we as a staff could present to our PD group. For example, is there an activity that could be used to guide individuals to look inside and access their unique learning style/intllegence? We anticipate this will not be a paper and pencil activity, but an "eyes closed" (if you wish) experience that could possibly be followed by a written exercise or sharing with a partner or group. We are more interested in the experience than in recording the experience.

Thanks for your consideration in this matter.

Bonnita Solberg
ESL Teacher on Special Assignment
Oakland Adult and Career Education (OACE)
Oakland Unified School District (OUSD)
Neighborhood Centers Adult School
750 International Blvd.
Oakland, CA 94606

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