National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 1877] Re: Big Names in Literacy?

Lenore Balliro lenore_balliro at
Wed Jan 16 11:55:48 EST 2008

Lenore Balliro here from World Education in Boston. I have enjoyed reading the "Big Names" thread, and I've been having fun looking up some of the people I didn't know. I'd like to add some names as well.

Mina Shaughnessy, especially Errors and Expectations
Ira Shor, especially Critical Teaching and Everyday Life
Brian Street
Patricia Carrell
Janet Isserlis (my first ESOL mentor)
Elsa Auerbach
Susan Lytle
Pat Rigg
John Trimbur
Stanley Eagleton

Like others on the list, I owe a debt to Shirley Brice Heath, John Ogbu, Jim Gee, Peter Elbow, both Goodmans, and Frank Smith. And to Stanley Fish and Richard Rorty for helping me to deconstruct Cartesean polarities.

>>> "Sandman-Hurley, Kelli" <KSandmanHurley at> 1/7/2008 9:47 PM >>>

Adult Literacy or literacy in general? In general, I would suggest Chall and Clay for starters. Although they both focused on children, their substantial work is very relevant to what we do in adult literacy every day.
From: professionaldevelopment-bounces at [professionaldevelopment-bounces at] On Behalf Of Greg Peter [gdpeter at]
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 4:53 PM
To: professionaldevelopment at
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 1841] Big Names in Literacy?

I am curious who you would consider to be big names in literacy, both historically and currently?

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