National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 1866] Re: GED and college Transition?

Cynthia Zafft cynthia_zafft at
Fri Jan 11 08:34:35 EST 2008

Hi Vikkee and Melinda:

At the risk of repeating a resource that I know is probably in many of the responses, I would suggest your student start with a paper by John Tyler called: "What Do We Know About the Economic Benefits of the GED: A Review of Recent Research." Along with being a very well written paper, it does review the little bit of published research on who goes on to postsecondary education, at least the information available as of 2003:

Dr. Tyler has additional papers that might make a good follow-up for more recent research on the topic:

Good luck to your student. It is a interesting and important topic.

Cynthia Zafft, Director
National College Transition Network (NCTN)
World Education, Inc.
44 Farnsworth Street
Boston, MA 02210
(617) 482-9485

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