National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2156] Re: LESLLA conference and call for papers to present in Antwerp Belgium

Ochieng kh ochykheyr at
Fri May 30 03:54:43 EDT 2008

Are there sponsorships e.g air fare for those outside the United States since I live in Kenya and would be interested.Thanks & good day,
Ochieng M.K.

"Wrigley, Heide" <heide at> wrote:
Hi, all

Several of you had written me personally to ask about costs for the LESLLA conference in Antwerp, Belgium in October.

Here is the note that I got back from Ineke van de Craats, the Dutch professor who is organizing LESLLA in Antwerp.

The conference fees are 150 euro for three days including 3 lunches,
1 dinner, drinks.
We currently work on a list of suitable hotels. The prices for a single room vary a lot, but one can get a single room for 80-120 euros. Does this help a bit?
More information for the website will be available in the middle of June.


From: professionaldevelopment-bounces at [mailto:professionaldevelopment-bounces at] On Behalf Of Wrigley, Heide
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 3:35 AM
To: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2149] call for papers to present inAntwerp Belgium

Hello, friends and colleagues,

I wanted to encourage those doing literacy work to check out a new association of educators and researchers from different countries, all working with migrants/immigrants with few years of education in the home country and learning the language of the settlement country. We are a very loose association called LESLLA. LESLLA started in 2005 in Tilburg, in the Netherlands, and the next international conference will be this October in Antwerp, Belgium.
Here is the link to the LESLLA site.

The LESLLA conferences (one in the Netherlands, then in the States, and in the UK) have had presenters engaged in second language literacy work in Holland, Belgium, Germany, the UK, Morocco, Australia, East Timor, and the US, and we are hoping to have an even wider range this year. All in all, it's still a fairly small conference with lots of time to interact and share ideas around common concerns and interests. Anyone involved or interested in the intersection of adult literacy, second language acquisition and socio-cultural issues would benefit (and have a grand old time).

We are hoping that if you work with migrants, immigrants, refugees or asylum seekers who struggle with literacy both in the primary language and the second (or third etc) language, you will consider sending a proposal for a presentation - you could also suggest a panel or round table you may want to be part of.

If you have worked with ESL or L1 literacy teachers and have insights to share into what the opportunities and challenges are in helping teachers connect with students who struggle with literacy in any language, we would love to hear from you.

Below is the link for the call for papers.

But of course, you might consider just attending the conference as well.

Hoping to hear about lots of interesting work

Heide Spruck Wrigley

Heide Spruck Wrigley
Senior Researcher
Literacywork International
Mesilla, New Mexico

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