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We provide adult education and literacy resources, publications, and training for teachers of adults in Virginia.



The TABE Certification Training Online Forms 9 & 10 Refresher is now available! (January 16)

If if has been two years since you have taken the TABE Certification Training Online and you need to refresh your knowledge of the test administration in order to comply with the Virginia Adult Education Assessment Policy, you may now do so by taking a short refresher quiz. At the end of the refresher, you will be asked to complete an evaluation and then print your certificate for 1/2 hour of professional development credit.

The quiz is only available to those who have previously completed the TABE Certification Training Online, Forms 9 & 10 since September 2006. You do not need to re-register to take this refresher. You may just log back into Blackboard with the username and password that were provided to you when you originally took the training. If you have misplaced or forgotten your username and password, please send an email to and request that it to be resent to you.

If you completed the training before September 2006, you will need to re-register and complete the full training.

If you have not completed the training online, you will need to register at: take the full online training.

2009 VLLC Conference, February 26 & 27, 2009 (December 17)

2009 VLLC Conference: Laying the Foundation for Teachers and Staff. The Virginia Literacy Leadership Council is hosting a 2-day conference February 26 & 27th for Virginia's community-based literacy organizations in Richmond, Virginia. Three workshop strands will be offered for administrators, ESOL teachers and trainers, and basic literacy teachers and trainers. Sponsored by the Virginia Literacy Foundation, this event will promote best practices, networking, and capacity-building in all areas of concern to CBLO's. Look for more information in your mailbox and email inbox.

If you are not sure whether you or your program's staff are eligible and you would like to attend, please email Victoire Sanborn at

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