National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2147] Re: PD Quality Standards - Feedback Requested by May 30th

Katrina Hinson khinson at
Sun May 25 13:18:01 EDT 2008

Everything looks good.

I have one comment though - regarding item 11: the second column where it states: (a) Staff are supported by:
i. paid professional development time
ii. paid substitutes to allow for participation
iii. paid planning time for instruction
(b) Regular staff meetings are held to enable practitioners to share in decision making for their program
(c) Time is provided for practitioners to develop a professional development plan, access professional development that supports the plan, and receive supportive monitoring by supervisors

This assumes that all programs have adequate funding to meet this need and that's just not the case. Some programs simply don't have funding to accommodate paid planning time and some do. For very small, rural programs where funding is a real issue, what options might exist for them to meet this need without negatively impacting their funding amounts. We want to encourage PD but not at the expense of the program itself in that program services get cut or shrunk.

Katrina Hinson

>>> "Taylor, Jackie" <jataylor at> 5/16/2008 6:53:03 am >>>

Professional Development Colleagues,

Last November 2007, this discussion list held a discussion of Quality
Professional Development. As a part of that discussion, PD List
subscribers contributed feedback on the draft AALPD Quality Professional
Development Standards. (A summary of the Quality PD discussion and the
full thread can be found by visiting:

The Association of Adult Literacy Professional Developers has since
incorporated our input into a new version of the draft standards and the
Executive Board invites us to share any remaining feedback. By May 30th,
please review this revision:

(for a MS Word version visit:

Offer your comments and suggestions or ideas for revisions by either:

1. Posting it here, on the Professional Development List;

2. Adding it to this Wiki page:

3. OR email your comments to Renee Sherman at: rsherman at .

By June 30th, the AALPD Standards Committee will finalize the draft
standards and they will go to the AALPD membership for an up or down
vote. Please offer your final feedback today.


Best, Jackie


Jackie Taylor, Adult Literacy Professional Development List Moderator,
jataylor at
National Institute for Literacy
Association of Adult Literacy Professional Developers

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