Six Rivers National Forest

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About Smith River NRA

The rural town site of Gasquet, founded in the late 1800's along the beautiful Smith River, has a population of 400. Services offered to the community include a post office, country store, hamburger stand motel/restaurant, church, primary and middle school, and a volunteer fire department. The Mediterranean coastal climate results in summers that are dry with temperatures in the 75-95 degree range, while the winters are mild but quite wet (average yearly precipitation is 90"+). The only government housing available is "barracks" quarters.

Most of the District's personnel live in the nearby seaport town of Crescent City. Crescent City, population 8000, is a full service community providing all medical, schooling, social, cultural, religious, and shopping needs. The College of the Redwoods has a branch campus in Crescent City, and a commuter airline services the city.

The Northcoast is strongly oriented to outdoor recreation with many activities focused on the ocean, magnificent redwoods, and miles of scenic rivers. Fishing for trout, steelhead, and salmon is popular as is kayaking, white water rafting, wilderness hiking, backpacking, and trail riding. The landscapes and waterscapes are truly spectacular, the life-styles and culture diverse, and the pace of living relaxed in the Northcoast area.

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