National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2304] Re: Whatdowemeanbystudentinvolvementand critical thinking?

Steve Kaufmann steve at
Mon Jul 14 16:22:13 EDT 2008


It depends on whom we are talking about and what kind of accuracy. A
beginner need not worry about accuracy of any kind.

On the other hand an international university student needs to be concerned
about her ability to express herself in writing. But even there it is more
the accuracy in the use of words, rather than issues like prepositions or
articles. At LIngQ we find that an insufficient grasp of the range of
meaning and usage patterns of words is the biggest problem people have in
writing. This is most easily acquired through a lot of exposure, both aural
and written, and the deliberate study of words and phrases gleaned from that

It is not easily remedied by corrections, nor by making learners overly
concerned about minor points of grammar, and especially not accuracy of


Steve Kaufmann
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