National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2171] July 7-14 Discussion: Student Involvement and Critical Thinking in Adult Literacy

Taylor, Jackie jataylor at
Tue Jul 1 18:26:52 EDT 2008

Dear PD List Colleagues:

What do you do in your teaching that empowers students? Why do you do
that? Why does it matter?

Beginning July 7 - 14, 2008 the Adult Literacy Professional Development
List will host a guest discussion of Student Involvement and Critical
Thinking in Adult Literacy. Join our guests Cynthia Peters, Editor of
The Change Agent, and Marty Finsterbusch, Executive Director of VALUE,
to share issues, strategies, and resources for instruction and staff

This discussion is the first in a mini-series of guest discussions this
summer and fall on Literacy for Social Change. Join us now to plan
instruction and staff development for fall.

Please forward this invitation to all who you think would be interested.
Others can subscribe by visiting:

(Subscribing is free and individuals can unsubscribe after the
discussion ends.)


Discussion Resources

Resources subscribers share will be compiled and posted at the week's
end. Some resources for discussion include:

-- The Change Agent Web site, see any issue including the most recent on
Democracy in Action.

-- Web site of Voice of Adult Learners United to Educate

-- See the Adult Learner Leadership Resources section, including:

* How to Start and Support a Student Council at Your Program

* Adult Learners as Leaders (from NJALL)

* Massachusetts Alliance for Adult Literacy

* Student Leadership Resources

* Student Leadership Field Notes, Volume 16 No. 2

* Learner Perspectives on the Adult Literacy Education (ALE)


About Our Guests

Cynthia Peters is the editor of The Change Agent
( <>
), a magazine focused on fostering critical thinking and student

Cynthia Peters is a former ESOL and ABE teacher with a union-based
program. She is also a long-time community activist who has been
involved in tenants' rights, anti-war, and many other struggles. As the
editor of The Change Agent, she brings her teaching experience together
with her activism and works to create materials that give students the
tools to think critically about issues that affect them and their

Marty Finsterbusch is the Executive Director of Voice of Adult Learners
United to Educate (VALUE), a national adult learner leader organization.

In 2001, Marty Finsterbusch was appointed VALUE's first Executive
Director. VALUE, <> , is the
only national nonprofit adult literacy organization in the U.S. governed
and operated by current and former literacy students. Under his
leadership, the organization has developed and delivered leadership
training throughout the U.S.; conducted five biennial National Adult
Learner Leadership Institutes; and achieved national prominence as the
authority on learner involvement in adult literacy. In 2008, VALUE
launched its Social Change Initiative, which calls for the modernization
and expansion of adult basic education in the U.S. to better serve our
nation's 90 million low-literate adults.

Since 2000, Marty has served on Pennsylvania's Adult Basic and Literacy
Education Interagency Coordinating Council, having been appointed by
three Governors. During his National Institute for Literacy Fellowship
in 2000, Marty studied adult learner involvement in all 50 states. He
has served on the governing boards of several national and state
organizations including the Student Coalition for Action in Literacy
Education (SCALE), Laubach Literacy Action, and Pennsylvania's State
Coalition for Literacy.

Before becoming VALUE's Executive Director in 2001, Marty worked 17
years in food service at Villanova University, supervising a staff of 80
employees. He entered a local literacy program as an adult learner in
1984 and then earned a degree in Hotel-Restaurant Management. Marty
became the Student Coordinator of his local literacy program in 1986,
after which he served ten years on its board of directors. Since 1987,
Marty has been a planner, speaker, and workshop presenter for numerous
national, regional, and state conferences throughout the U.S. Marty is
married and has three daughters, ages 14, 12, and 6.


-- Until then! Best...Jackie
Jackie Taylor, Adult Literacy Professional Development List Moderator,
jataylor at <mailto:jataylor at>
National Institute for Literacy
Association of Adult Literacy Professional Developers <>

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