National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2703] Re: Economic Stimulus and Professional Development

djrosen1 djrosen1 at
Sun Dec 28 09:12:26 EST 2008


On Dec 27, 2008, at 3:05 PM, Jackie A. Taylor wrote:

So, a few questions:

What are the considerations for professional development if the $500
million stimulus for adult education became an immediate reality?

• Massachusetts many years ago decided that 10% of its state and
federal adult education funding should be used for professional
development. I think that's a guideline that should be recommended to
other states in all new federal funding.

• We (professional developers, practitioners) need federal funding
for a national research center specifically for adult literacy
education (like NCSALL).

What additional models already exist that we can learn from?

One of the adult literacy education delivery models that has great
promise, but that will require significant new and additional
professional development ,is online learning. This is especially
useful for programs that involve initial face-to-face training and/or
education and then job placement, where there is still need for
continued education once the person is working, but because of the
work schedule there is not much opportunity to attend classes. A
blended model, that involves some face-to-face, perhaps one or two
Saturdays a month, and 4-10 hours a week of online learning might be
an ideal model for some people in this situation. Currently there are
very few adult literacy education teachers who have been trained to
do online learning well. If online or blended learning significantly
expands, there will be a "labor shortage" of these teachers.

How would we get up and running as quickly as possible?

We are now close to having final AALPD standards for professional
development. Using those standards as a touchstone, and the knowledge
gained by Project IDEAL, the Health Care Learning Network in
Massachusetts, The McDonald's Corporation's English Under the Arches,
programs that have used English for All (and now USA Learns) and
other online and blended learning models, perhaps we could discuss
here -- and archive on the ALE Wiki -- some design principles,
objectives and content areas for training/professional development in
online teaching. Has someone already done (or begun) that?

If there were a small group of people who were interested not just in
discussing this, but also working on developing a PD design for
online adult literacy education teaching, perhaps they could organize
themselves in an online workgroup (using Officezilla, Community Zero,
a Google or Yahoo group and/or a wiki). We could discuss that here, too.

David J. Rosen
DJRosen at

David J. Rosen
djrosen1 at

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