National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2559] Re: looking for web-based material

Calette W Smith CWSmith at
Fri Sep 26 14:28:35 EDT 2008

** High Priority **

GREAT SITE! Thank you! I just added it to my Porta Portal which is:
It is chock full of free sites. My students are only allowed to go to sites from this page I have been building as I go...please let me know if you find any dead links or glitches. If you go to you can also build your own. Click on WV and you will see theirs which has hundreds of sites!

Calette W. Smith
Adult Education
CareerTransition Specialist
Georgetown County
Howard Adult Ed., Learning Center
500 So. Kaminski Street
Georgetown, SC 29440
Telephone: 843-576-0219 Fax: 843-527-0236
cwsmith at

>>> kGreer at 9/26/2008 12:18 PM >>>

I have used the site listed under lincs sited and I and my students like it. It can be used for ABE and ESL. Vocabulary studies can be drawn from the lessons. Best is free! Karen greer Victoria College Adult Ed.,Tx.


From: professionaldevelopment-bounces at on behalf of Marie Cora
Sent: Fri 9/26/2008 7:32 AM
To: 'The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List'
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2541] Re: looking for web-based material

Hi Julie,

In addition to asking your question here, you might want to subscribe to the Workplace Literacy Discussion List and ask there as well ( Also, you could check the NIFL Workforce Competitiveness Collection at

Hope this helps!

Marie Cora

Assessment Discussion List Moderator

-----Original Message-----
From: Galbreath, Julie [mailto:professionaldevelopment-bounces at] On Behalf Of Galbreath, Julie
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 3:51 PM
To: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List
Subject: RE: looking for web-based material

Hello one and all!

I am usually just a "lurker", but I am looking for something specific. I am in the process of putting together a special project and I am at a crossroad and thought I would send out a request.

I am looking for web-based sites that are employment related. They would be websites that are interactive that LEP students (of various levels) would be able to do indepentently without a lot of instruction. For example, something interactive on job safety.

Thanks in advance to one and all for your assistance with this.


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