National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2554] Re: Teaching adults with phonics

tsticht at tsticht at
Fri Sep 26 12:40:51 EDT 2008

Steve Kaufman: Sorry to take so long to get back to you regarding my
presentation schedule. Unfortunately, the only scheduled stop I have in
Canada at the present time is a long way from Vancouver. If anything lines
up in your area I’ll let you know.

Schedule of presentations through the first quarter of 2009.

1. October 9, 2008. Bloomington, Illinois. Central Illinois Adult Education
Service Center conference. Contact: Rebecca Metternich, email:
RS-Metternich at

2. October 22, 2008. San Diego, California. San Diego Council on Literacy.
Contact: Jose Cruz, email: jcruz at

3. December 4, 2008. Bloomingdale, Illinois. Northern Illinois Adult
Education Service Center conference. Contact: Catherine Porter, email:
cporter at

4. January 5-6, 2009. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. George Brown University,
Academic Upgrading. Contact: Matt Foran, email: mforan at

5. February 15, 2009. Crystal Lake, Illinois. McHenry County College.
Contact: Richard Clute, email: rclute at mchenry@edu

6. March 2-4, 2009. Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom. Learning Connections,
Lifelong Learning Directorate of the Scottish Government. Contact: Katherine
Ashe, Katherine.Ashe at

This schedule includes a number of different presentations including
historical perspectives on teaching adult literacy, functional context
education, intergenerational transfer of literacy, and listening and
reading processes of adults. I charge no fee for these presentations but
sponsors need to cover my travel expenses.

Tom Sticht, Email: tsticht at

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