National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2488] Launches WRITER PROMPTS to Help ESL, Literacy Students Express Read, Write (from Bill Zimmerman)

wmz at wmz at
Wed Sep 10 19:17:20 EDT 2008 Online Educational Comics
Launches WRITER PROMPTS to Help ESL, Literacy
Students Write, Read and Tell Stories;
Google Lists Among World’s Top Literacy Sites

Dear reader, has launched a new WRITER PROMPTS feature that
regularly offers educators new ideas to spark students’ imaginations
and encourage them to write more.

The new writing tool is a direct result of the overwhelming positive
user response to our free web site where children and adults create
their own comic strips online and, in so doing, practice language,
writing and reading skills. WRITER PROMPTS utilizes interactive
techniques that I have pioneered as author, journalist and teacher to
help people of all ages find their writers’ voices and express their
deepest thoughts. Go to and
click on the WRITER PROMPTS button at the bottom right to connect to
these idea prompts at

At the WRITER PROMPTS blog site selected students’ written responses
will be posted, reinforcing students’ writing and language-learning
efforts. Please try the new feature and give us your feedback and
suggestions. We also will post some of your own suggested writing
prompts if you give us permission. Send them to
billz at

Since we launched our educational comics site in 2006 hundreds of
thousands from 175 countries have visited us. And, Go
ogle and UNESCO
selected as one of the world’s most innovative web
sites in fostering literacy and reading

Some sample writing WRITER PROMPTS offered:
.You are an author rewriting the story of your parents’ lives. How
would you change their lives, what would you say? The wonderful thing
about being a writer is that you can use your imagination to create
different worlds from what you know. If you're feeling unhappy in real
life, for example, you might want to create a world in which you feel
happy. If you are poor, you might want to imagine a story in which the
characters are rich. You can change a story about your parents or
family into something entirely different.

.Three children in different parts of the world wake up one morning,
each expecting the day to be like all the others. For one, in Mexico,
this will turn into the most important day of her life; for another, in
China, the day will be the happiest she will ever experience in her
life, and for the third, in Chicago, this will become his saddest one.
Write one of the children's diaries for the day.

.You are a six-year-old Pakistani boy sold into servitude by his family
to labor 14 hours a day in a carpet factory. Your enslavement will help
settle a $16 family debt. You spend the next six years chained to a rug
loom, working 12-hour days for pennies.20Then comes the day when you
escape to freedom -- here's what happens:

Users of make comics strips by selecting from 15
fun characters with different moods -- happy, sad, angry, worried --
and write words for blank talk and thought balloons to make characters
talk and think. This site is used by educators to teach language,
reading and writing skills, and also for students in
English-as-a-Second-Language programs to facilitate self-expression and
storytelling, as well as computer literacy. Some educational therapists
use the online comics with deaf and autistic people to help them
understand concepts and communicate. Parents and children can create
stories together, print them to create comic books or email them to
friends. Others will find the site a resource to be creative and have

Acting on your feedback, now also enables users to
write comic strips in languages other than English, including Spanish,
French, German, Italian, Latin and Portuguese. Many foreign language
teachers encourage language practice by having students create comic

Please share with your colleagues,
students, friends or readers of your publications and favorite
listserv groups. It takes a community to build and nurture a rich
educational resource.


Bill Zimmerman
(billz at or wmz at

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