National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2480] Financial litereacy publications

David J. Rosen djrosen at
Sun Aug 31 22:25:31 EDT 2008


For over a decade, beginning in the mid-1990's, the Fannie Mae
Foundation (at the time and until 2007, a separate organization from
the Fannie Mae Corporation) sponsored many adult literacy education
(including ESOL/ESL) curriculum and teacher training projects in
homebuying and in other aspects of financial literacy. Their
excellent classroom materials in homebuying awareness (including
information on when it was or was not a good idea to buy a home) were
distributed free in classroom sets to adult education programs across
the U.S. Some were published in multiple languages.

Although these materials are no longer distributed in hard copy, some
of the financial literacy publications are available in literacy
libraries, for example at the library of the Adult Literacy Resource
Institute/Greater Boston Regional Support Center of the Massachusetts
System of Adult Basic Education Support at the University of
Massachusetts ( , and some publications are available
free online at

for example,

David J. Rosen
djrosen at

On Aug 28, 2008, at 5:16 PM, Libby Tisdell wrote:

> Hey Everyone --

> My name is Libby Tisdell, and I'm new to this list serve. I'm not

> really a

> literacy educator as much as I'm an Adult Education professor, which

> includes the professional development of literacy educators. I'm

> wondering

> if some of you folks might be able to help me.


> I'm doing a project on financial literacy education. At this

> point mostly

> I'm doing a literature review, and searching for appropriate places

> and

> groups to do some survey research with to find out who is doing more

> community based financial literacy education.


> Can anyone tell me the extent to which literacy educators in

> general might

> deal with financial literacy education issues, and if this is

> something

> that is typically dealt with by Literacy Educators in general? If

> so, what

> level of financial literacy education would you be dealing with?

> Budgeting?

> Checkwriting? Investing?


> Most of the financial literacy education literature I've located is

> pretty

> much aimed more at those who are middle class and above. I'm more

> interested in who is doing financial literacy education with a less

> moneyed

> audience, and with folks who wouldn't have the money or inclination

> to ever

> pay for financial planning services, basically those who are

> underserved on

> multiple levels. I'm esepcially interested in how this plays out for

> working class women, people of color, those not born int he U.S,

> and older

> people. If any of you could help me with finding information about

> this, I

> would be most appreciative.


> Libby Tisdell


> Elizabeth J. Tisdell, EdD

> Associate Professor of Adult Education

> Adult Education Doctoral Program Coordinator

> Penn State University - Harrisburg

> 777 W. Harrisburg Pike

> Middletown, PA 17057


> e-mail: ejt11 at

> work: 717-948-6640

> cell: 717-579-8835

> FAX: 717-948-6064



> On 8/28/08 4:35 PM, "Katrina Hinson" <khinson at> wrote:


>> I agree...I don't post as often as I would like but I do find the

>> lists useful

>> in so many ways - even more so as I've started a PhD program and

>> trying to

>> balance the work I do with adult literacy with other things.

>> Sometimes the

>> things I learn or read on the lists provide reflective thoughts on

>> practices I

>> might not have ever considered.


>> Regards,

>> Katrina Hinson



>>>>> Janet Hughes <janethughes10 at> 08/28/08 8:13 PM >>>

>> I find these lists so useful as I reflect, struggle to reach more

>> learners in

>> more efficient and effective ways. I confess I rarely participate

>> with

>> postings, but I'm learning, thinking and reading!


>> Janet Hughes

>> Literacy Volunteers & Advocates

>> Washington, DC





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