National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2362] Re: Questioning and Discussion Strategies for Practicing Critical Thinking

Andrea Wilder andreawilder at
Fri Jul 18 14:26:33 EDT 2008

Here is a question I have been gnawing away on for some time--"Did
the Exodus happen?" Has anyone on the list tried to answer this
question? There are many "smaller" questions from American history,
for example, Paul Revere's ride as recounted in a history book.
There is often a cultural consensus that we all know the answers to
these questions, the big ones and the little ones, but a little
digging shows that received opinions can cover up a lot of
fuzziness. Is anyone on this list looking at critical literacy from
this angle in the classroom?


On Jul 18, 2008, at 10:37 AM, Bonnie Odiorne wrote:

> You learn "philosophical Greek", just enough terms to getr to the

> key concepts; I once made myself a Greek, Latin and German

> dictionary just for philosophy when I started grad school and was

> totally lost--I was going to Johns Hopkins and it was supposed to

> be in French, but it really was in critical theory with maybe a

> little literature attached, with some of the greatest names of the

> period. No, I couldn't reconstruct it now.... :-)



> ----- Original Message ----

> From: Andrea Wilder <andreawilder at>

> To: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List

> <professionaldevelopment at>

> Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 10:32:13 PM

> Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2345] Re: Questioning and

> Discussion Strategies for Practicing Critical Thinking


> Heather,


> I agree that one should go as close to the source as possible.

> What is one to do when the source materials are in a language not

> known to the seeker?


> Andrea


> On Jul 17, 2008, at 12:26 PM, Heather Heunermund wrote:


>> I mean this in a respectful way and I state the following as such:

>> I beg you all, if you truly want to understand Socratic dialogue,

>> you can only go to the source, Plato. Read a Socratic dialogue and

>> let's discuss. Understand the man is fabled to have been Socrates.

>> Again, that's the only true way to understand this concept, to

>> grok it. This virtue is not something that can be "taught."


>> As part of the "educational community" you simply cannot settle

>> for anything less. Ironically, you yourselves are not acting as

>> critical thinkers by settling for less than this. If you want to

>> truly practice what you preach about critical thinking and

>> Socratic Dialogue, the only way to act as a critical thinkers

>> yourselves is through your experience with original source work,

>> and not merely the regurgitations of people's interpretations of

>> the classics of the Western Canon.


>> To do otherwise is a bastardization of the art form in the strict

>> sense of the word.

>> --

>> Heather


>> Heather Heunermund, Executive Director

>> New Mexico Coalition for Literacy

>> 1-800-233-7587

>> heather at

>> 505-982-4095 (fax)

>> 3209 Mercantile Ct. Ste. B

>> Santa Fe, NM 87507


>> On Jul 17, 2008, at 9:21 AM, Taylor, Jackie wrote:


>> Dear Colleagues,

>> One more note about critical thinking…For those seeking ideas for

>> questioning techniques in practicing critical thinking and for

>> facilitating group discussions:


>> Socratic Questioning

>> Socratic questioning is a systematic, probing method of

>> questioning that probes thinking at a deep level. It can be used

>> to explore thought in various directions such as in exploring

>> complex ideas, to open up issues or problems, uncover assumptions,

>> analyze concepts, distinguish what’s understood versus what is

>> not, and follow out logical implications:

>> wiki/Socratic_questioning


>> Here are some examples of Socratic questions:


>> socratic_questions.htm



>> On Questioning and Group Discussions

>> Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher


>> This workshop resource from Stephen Brookfield contains lots of

>> strategies on facilitating critical reflection and discussion with

>> students, in professional development, in meetings, and in

>> modeling critical thinking.


>> Best, Jackie


>> Jackie Taylor, PD List Moderator, jataylor at



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