National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2325] Re: critical thinking and numeracy

Susan Kidd SKidd at
Wed Jul 16 15:31:54 EDT 2008

Here are a few useful resources for those interested in linking math and
social justice:
1) Rethinking Mathematics: Teaching Social Justice by the Numbers edited
by Eric Gutstein ISBN: 0942961544, published 2006

2) Open Secrets
Lists campaign income and expenditures for national candidates

3) Follow the money
Interactive map that lets you track political donations by topic and
party over time

4) Radical Math website - "a resource for educators interested in
integrating issues of social and economic justice into math classes and

Susan Kidd
ABE Professional Development Coordinator
State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
office phone: 509-682-6968
cell phone: 509-630-4520
skidd at

-----Original Message-----
From: professionaldevelopment-bounces at
[mailto:professionaldevelopment-bounces at] On Behalf Of Taylor,
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 11:02 AM
To: The Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List
Subject: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2321] Re: critical thinking and

Hi Tricia, All,
Tricia, thanks for sharing this. In tandem with the other threads under
discussion, I'm wondering if you might give us some examples of ways in
which topics of a social justice concern can intersect with numeracy.
And if you have specific resources or lesson activity examples to share,
that would be great, too.

I'm also wondering about science and history. In what ways might
numeracy interact with these areas to promote critical thinking -- and
how might that be approached in ways that build on students' real
interests and concerns? I'm thinking specifically of ABE learners though
I welcome suggestions for ESL too. Does anyone have thoughts on that?

Thanks, Jackie

Jackie Taylor
jataylor at

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