National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2040] COABE Pre-conferences from the National Institute for Literacy

Kaye Beall kbeall at
Wed Mar 12 15:34:18 EDT 2008

Join us for a COABE Pre-conference!

Evidence-based Practice: A Workshop for Training Adult Basic Education, TANF
and One-Stop Practitioners and Program Administrators

The National Institute for Literacy presents this one-day workshop created
by the National Center for Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL) to
help practitioners understand what evidence-based practice is and what
research is all about. It is an interactive, fun, and experiential set of
activities that helps those with "research phobia" to feel comfortable
looking at and judging the usefulness of adult basic education and
literacy-related research. In the afternoon, there is time to think about
how to apply what is learned once back in your program, especially how to
integrate what's been learned about reading with your program's priorities
for improvement.

Presenters: Cristine Smith and Kaye Beall

Full-day Session: April 28, 2008, 8:30 am-3:30 pm

Reading Assessment

The National Institute for Literacy presents this workshop on the Assessment
Strategies and Reading Profiles website. This online diagnostic reading
assessment, based on the Adult Reading Component Study, shows instructors
how to identify students' reading strengths and weaknesses. Instructors can
use this knowledge to target their instruction more effectively.on will be
on reading components and the purpose of diagnostic assessment.
Participants of this preconference will be given samples of reading
profiles, have an opportunity to practice several of the assessments and to
construct a diagnostic reading profile.

Presenters: Rosalind Davidson and Marie Cora

Half-day Session: April 28, 2008, 12:30-3:30 pm

To register for a preconference, go to

See you in St. Louis!

Kaye Beall

Project Director

World Education

6760 West Street

Linn Grove, IN 46711


kaye_beall at

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