National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2038] Transition from corrections to community education

David J. Rosen djrosen at
Wed Mar 12 07:52:34 EDT 2008


Beginning on Monday, March 17th, on the Special Topics discussion
list, we will have a discussion about transition from corrections
education to community education. Our guests include Dr. Carolyn
Buser, Steve Schwalb, John Gordon, and Dr. Stephen Steurer.

I hope you will join our esteemed guests for this discussion. You
will find background information on them below.

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Background on Discussion Guests

Carolyn (Cay) Buser
Cay Buser joined the United States Department of Education in May of
2006 as an adult education program specialist with duties as the
Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) liaison with
correctional education. Dr. Buser works with the Western States to
assist them in the administration of adult education grants. She
also is the national resource for coordination with correctional
education programs and adult education grants.

Prior to her federal appointment, Dr. Buser was director of
correctional education for the Maryland State Department of
Education. Her responsibilities entailed management of the education
and library programs in Maryland’s adult and juvenile correctional
systems. She provided direct support to Maryland’s Educational
Coordinating Council for Correctional Institutions, the “school
board” for correctional education headed by the State Superintendent
of Schools with the State Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional
Services as a member.

Dr. Buser has been an active member of the Correctional Education
Association serving as a regional director and is currently on the
editorial board of the Journal of Correctional Education. Her
academic background includes a master’s degree in special education
and a doctorate in educational policy and administration. Dr. Buser
taught English in public middle and high schools in the Midwest, and
in community colleges in Maryland. She taught for seven years in
Maryland’s correctional education program and served as a principal
in three correctional settings before her appointment as director of
the State program.

Steve Schwalb
Steve Schwalb has served as President and CEO of Pioneer Human
Services since April, 2007. Prior to that, Steve had a 33-year career
in the field of corrections.

After receiving his B.A. degree in Business Administration from the
University of Washington, he began his corrections career as a
Personnel Management Specialist trainee with the Federal Bureau of
Prisons. He subsequently held various positions of additional
responsibility, including Personnel Director, Chief of Internal
Affairs, Warden, Deputy Regional Director and Assistant Director.

In the latter position, Steve was responsible for nationwide
oversight of the education, vocational training, recreation,
parenting, transition preparation, citizen volunteers and industrial
work programs. Serving in the role of Chief Operating Officer of
Federal Prison Industries, Inc., he oversaw over 100 factories that
employ 21,000 inmates and 1,400 staff, and that generated $800
million in annual sales.

In the mid-1980’s, Steve served as Associate Superintendent and
Program Manager with the Washington State Department of Corrections,
and as Director of the King County Jail in Seattle.

During his federal career, Steve was appointed by the President to
the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely
Disabled, and served as chairman for four of his twelve years on the

John Gordon
John has worked at the Fortune Society since 2001, first as Director
of its Education program and more recently as an Associate President
of Programs. The Fortune Society works with people after they’ve come
home from prison or jail. Their Education program serves 200-300
students per year; they offer classes in Adult Basic Education, ESOL,
and computer skills. Many students are on probation or parole; others
are mandated by the courts to one of Fortune’s Alternatives to
Incarceration programs; some are no longer under any criminal justice
Before coming to the Fortune Society, John worked for 16 years as
Teacher-Director of the Open Book, a community based literacy program
in Brooklyn, NY. At the Open Book, some of his central concerns
revolved around developing student leadership and student
participation in program decision-making; publishing student writing
and oral histories, and welfare and literacy issues. He published
several articles on these topics as well as More Than a Job: A
Curriculum on Work and Society (New Readers Press). He is an active
participant in the New York City Coalition for Adult Literacy.
The Fortune Society was founded in 1967 with two main goals: (1) to
educate the public about prisons, criminal justice issues, and the
root causes of crime and (2) to provide support for people as they
come home from prison. Fortune serves over 3,000 former prisoners a
year, offering education, career development, counseling, substance
abuse treatment, housing, health services, and alternatives to
incarceration. It continues to play a strong role in advocating for
criminal justice and prison reform.

Stephen J. Steurer, Ph.D.
Steve is the Executive Director of the Correctional Education
Association, a professional organization of educators who work in
prisons, jails and juvenile settings.

David J. Rosen
Special Topics Discussion Moderator
djrosen at

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