National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 2021] FW: from Kim, Volunteer Tutor Training

Taylor, Jackie jataylor at
Thu Mar 6 13:44:04 EST 2008

The following is posted on behalf of Kim Rossman, please read on! Best,
Jackie Taylor


From: krossman at [mailto:krossman at]
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 1:11 PM
To: professionaldevelopment at
Subject: Re: [ProfessionalDevelopment 2016] Re: Volunteer Tutor Training

In Pennsylvania we have some programs which are participating in an
Intensified Tutoring Services Initiative and one of the requirements is
that tutors must participate in two hours of professional development
(PD) each month. Programs are having varying results. Obviously, most
problems have occurred when tutors who were tutoring prior to this
requirement were asked to start participating in the professional
development. As new tutors are coming in and the PD is a clear
requirement it is usually not an issue.

Programs are being very creative in how they are offering the PD - from
independent study to on-line courses. Face-to-face trainings are offered
and some agencies have discussed starting tutor networks.

Tutors of Literacy in the Commonwealth has started a tutor listserve,
but participation has been less than minimal. Some of the programs have
reported that communication with their tutors via e-mail is very
effective though.

Kim Rossman

Training Coordinator

Tutors of Literacy in the Commonwealth

925 West College Ave

State College, PA 16801

Quoting Jane Greiner <jgreiner at>:

> I'm wondering if any of you have successful strategies for getting

> tutors to attend ongoing training as they tutor. I know some programs

> require tutors to attend. Does that work well?


> What other strategies encourage them to continue to learn and grow in

> their tutoring role?

> Has anyone tried email discussions with their tutors?


> Thanks,

> Jane

> Jane Greiner

> Professional Development Coordinator

> ProLiteracy America


> jgreiner at

> 315.422.9121 ext. 283


> Learn more about ProLiteracy America's Professional Development at


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