National Institute for Literacy

[ProfessionalDevelopment 1979] Teaching Young Adults and ESOL online courses for MARCH 2008

Jane Greiner jgreiner at
Fri Feb 15 12:58:58 EST 2008

Hello PD colleagues,
See below for a list of online courses from ProLiteracy America opening in March and April. These courses are designed for adult literacy teachers and tutors.

Please note that the course Creating Engaging ESOL Activities Using Computers II is an extension of the course we offered last fall, and is currently running. The first course (Creating Engaging ESOL Activities Using Computers I) is not required to take the course below.

Please pass along to your colleagues who may be interested.
All the best,

Jane Greiner
Professional Development Coordinator
ProLiteracy America
jgreiner at
315.422.9121 ext. 283

Learn more about ProLiteracy America's Professional Development at


ProLiteracy America Professional Development
Facilitated Online Courses
March 2008

Young Adult Education: Strategies and Materials <>
Topic Area: Serving Young Adults
Facilitator: Stephanie Korber
Mar. 24 - Apr. 11
Webinar Apr. 11
6-hour course
Fee: $119

Creating Engaging ESOL Activities Using Computers II <>
Topic Area: ESL Instruction
Facilitator: Diana Satin
Mar. 31 - Apr. 25
Webinar Apr. 25
6-hour course
Fee: $119

Facilitating Adult Learning: Key Concepts for Teaching Adults <>
Topic Area: Training Skills
Facilitator: Roberta Reiss
Apr. 7 - Apr. 25
6-hour course
Fee: $119

Course descriptions and registration available at

ProLiteracy America members receive a 15% discount on courses!
For more information, visit <>

Please call 315-422-9121 ext. 283, or e-mail prodev at

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