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 Office of Tax Analysis

OTA Papers, 1980-1993

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OTA Papers are indexed by date and by author.

2007 |  2006 |  2005 |  2004 |  2003 |  2001 |  2000 |  1999 |  1998 |  1997 |  1996 |  1994 |  1980-1993 |  pre-1980 |  By Author  

05/1989 67: Estimation and Interpretation of Capital Gains Realization Behavior: Evidence From Panel Data, PDF icon Gerald E. Auten, Leonard E. Burman, and William C. Randolph
05/1989 66: New Estimates of Capital Gains Realization Behavior: Evidence From Pooled Cross-Section Data, PDF icon Robert Gillingham, John S. Greenlees, and Kimberly D. Zieschang
05/1989 65: An Analysis of Aggregate Time Series Capital Gains Equations, PDF icon Jonathan D. Jones
05/1989 64: History of Federal Tax Depreciation Policy, PDF icon David W. Brazell, Lowell Dworin, and Michael Walsh
05/1989 63: Master Limited Partnerships: A View From Their 1986 Tax Returns,  PDF icon Susan Nelson and Joann Martens
02/1989 62: Measures of Goodness of Fit for Extrapolations: Initial Results Using the Individual Tax Model Database, PDF icon Robert E. Gillette
11/1988 61: Recent Issues in Transfer Pricing, PDF icon Barbara L. Rollinson and Daniel J. Frisch
10/1988 60: The Tax Expenditure Budget Before and After the Tax Reform Act of 1986, PDF icon Thomas S. Neubig and David Joulfaian
05/1988 59: Noncorporate Business Taxation: Before and After the Tax Reform Act of 1986, PDF icon Susan C. Nelson
10/1987 58: Government Forecasts and Budget Projections: An Analysis of Recent History, PDF icon George A. Plesko
10/1987 57: Taxation of Foreign Exchange Gains and Losses, PDF icon Jenny Bourne Wahl
04/1987 56: A Reexamination of the Use of Ability To Pay Taxes by Local Governments, PDF icon Timothy J. Goodspeed
03/1984 55: Corporate and Personal Taxation of Capital Income in an Open Economy, PDF icon John Mutti and Harry Grubert
02/1984 54: Housing Tenure, Uncertainty and Taxation, PDF icon Harvey S. Rosen, Kenneth T. Rosen, and Douglas Holtz-Eakin
01/1984 53: The Taxation of Income Flowing Through Life Insurance Companies, PDF icon Thomas Neubig and C. Eugene Steuerle
09/1983 52: The Taxation of Income Flowing Through Financial Institutions: General Framework and Summary of Tax Issues, PDF icon Thomas Neubig and C. Eugene Steuerle
12/1982 51: A Primer on the Efficient Valuation of Fringe Benefits, PDF icon C. Eugene Steuerle
12/1982 50: The Relationship Between Realized Income and Wealth: Report From a Select Sample of Estates Containing Farms or Businesses, PDF icon C. Eugene Steuerle
06/1981 49: Taxation and the Sectoral Allocation of Capital in the U.S., PDF icon Joseph J. Cordes and Steven M. Sheffrin
04/1981 48: Individual Income Taxation 1947-79, PDF icon Eugene Steuerle and Michael Hartzmark
01/1981 47: The Effects of Tax Parameters on the Investment Equations in Macroeconomic Econometric Models, PDF icon Robert S. Chirinko and Robert Eisner
01/1981 46: The Effects of Tax Policies on Investment in Macroeconometric Models: Full Model Simulations, PDF icon Robert S. Chirinko and Robert Eisner
01/1981 45: Tax Policy Toward Research and Development, PDF icon George N. Carlson
12/1980 44: Modelling Revenue and Allocation Effects of the Use of Tax-Exempt Bonds for Private Purposes, PDF icon Harvey Galper and Eric Toder
12/1980 43: The Tax Treatment of Research and Development (R&D) Expenditures by Multinational Corporations: The Impact of Regulations 1.861.8, PDF icon Anita M. Benvignati
09/1980 41: Can Tax Revenues Go Up When Tax Rates Go Down, PDF icon Don Fullerton
09/1980 40: International Aspects of Corporate-Shareholder Tax Integration, PDF icon George N. Carlson
7/1980 39: Equity and the Taxation of Wealth Transfers, C. Eugene Steuerle PDF icon C. Eugene Steuerle


2007 |  2006 |  2005 |  2004 |  2003 |  2001 |  2000 |  1999 |  1998 |  1997 |  1996 |  1994 |  1980-1993 |  pre-1980 |  By Author  


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Office of Tax Analylsis