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Day One Part Five:
Trans-Lunar Coast

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Day Two Part Two:
LM Entry and Checks

Apollo 16

Day Two Part 1: Electrophoresis Experiment and Midcourse Correction Burn

Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 2006 David Woods and Tim Brandt. All rights reserved.

Day 2 Wake-Up Call


Post Sleep Report


Update on Day 1 Anomalies


Flight Plan Updates


SIM Bay Camera Film Cycling


Electrophoresis Experiment Starts


Electrophoresis Experiment Ends


SPS Helium Pressure Discrepancy Notification.


LM Particle Shedding Discussion


Mission Control Shift Change


Mid Course Correction 2 Burn Pad


Preparation for MCC2 Burn


MCC-2 Burn


PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston, at 22 hours, 57 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Our displays presently show Apollo 16 at a distance of 97,619 nautical miles [180,790 kilometres] away from the Earth and traveling at a speed of 5,334 feet [1,626 metres] per second. We're about two minutes away now from scheduled time of crew wakeup. We'll leave the line up at this time as a means of picking up conversation as it transpires. We're at 22 hours, 58 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. This is Apollo Control, Houston.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston [at] 23 hours, and 3 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. We're still standing by awaiting Tony England's call up to the crew of Apollo 16. We presently show Apollo 16 at a distance of 97,906 nautical miles [181,321 kilometres] away from the Earth. Velocity now reading 5,322 feet [1,622 metres] per second.

PAO Standing by now awaiting CapCom Tony England's call to the crew of Apollo 16. This is Apollo Control, Houston at 23 hours, four minutes into the mission.

023 04 37 England: Apollo 16, Houston.

023 04 51 England: Apollo 16, Houston.

023 04 56 Duke: Go ahead there, Houston. How you doing?

023 04 57 England: Hey, you sound good. Good morning up there. How are you doing?

023 05 04 Duke: Great.

023 05 06 England: Good. All your systems look...

023 05 09 Duke: ... report to work.

023 05 10 England: Good show. Everything looks fine up there from down here.

023 05 17 Duke: Oh, yes. Sure beats work.

023 05 18 England: (Chuckle) How your comrades doing?

023 05 31 Duke: Oh, they're just starting to stir.

023 05 53 England: I'd hum something for you to wake you up, but I got a tin ear.

023 06 05 Duke: We'll make it, Tony.

PAO Apollo Control, Houston, 23 hours, 9 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. The Apollo 16 presently 98,222 nautical miles [181,907 kilometres] away from the Earth. The velocity now is reading 5,309 feet [1,618 metres] per second.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston, 23 hours and 16 minutes at Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 16 now 98,558 nautical miles [182,529 kilometres] away from the Earth and traveling at a speed of 5,295 feet [1,614 metres] per second. Very little conversation with Apollo 16 thus far, however, the wakeup call has been placed and we'll standby and continue to monitor. We're at 23 hours, 6 minutes at Ground Elapsed Time and this is Apollo Control, Houston.

023 25 26 Duke: Houston, 16. Over.

023 25 30 England: Go ahead, Charlie.

023 25 34 Duke: Okay. I'd like to give you our postsleep report here for today. The Commander ate his sandwich and his orange juice that was in his suit, and all of his meal for Day 1, and his PRD is 22028, and he had 7 hours sleep. Best ever in space flight. No medication. Three voids: 34, 20, 18. Fluid intake: total, 21 ounces. Over.

023 26 20 England: Okay. We got that, Charlie.

023 26 24 Duke: Okay. For Ken, he had from Meal C everything but the pecans, and he ate his sandwich and his orange juice. His PRD is 15030. Six hours in an 8-hour period; he was awake every - once every hour. Okay. Excuse me.

023 26 52 England: Okay.

PAO We're switching Omnis at this time. That is Charlie Duke with the post-sleep report.

023 27 02 Duke: Okay, Tony. Had one more than 41 and he let some of them off, and 13 ounces total intake. Okay...

023 27 26 England: Okay, Charlie ...Charlie, could you say the voids again?

023 27 27 Duke: ...PRD coming...

023 27 28 England: Could you say the voids again on - Ken?

023 27 36 Duke: One was timed 41 - 41 seconds; the other one was lost due to a malfunctioning bag. And we got on me now - for my meals, I had the sandwich and the orange juice that was in the suit. For Meal C, I had half the spaghetti, all the ambrosia, and the cocoa. My PRD is 21040. I got about 5 hours sleep; got two voids of 20 and 25 with about a 20-ounce fluid intake. Over.

023 28 19 England: Okay. I got it all. Sounds like you all slept pretty good.

023 28 28 Duke: Well, it was off and on for me. I must have been ...

023 28 42 England: I tell you, I'd be so excited, I wouldn't sleep at all.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston. 23 hours 32 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 16 now 99,379 nautical miles [184,050 kilometres] away from the Earth. Now traveling at a speed of 5,261 feet [1,603 metres] per second.

023 32 36 Duke: Houston, we're charging Battery A. And on that food, Tony, add my apricot cubes, I just ate them.

023 33 04 England: Okay, Charlie.

023 41 03 England: Charlie, Houston.

023 41 08 Duke: Go ahead

023 41 10 England: Okay. On that fluid consumption there, the numbers you gave were in ounces. Could you verify that's ounces and not bags?

023 41 25 Duke: Say that again, Tony.

023 41 28 England: In the fluid you've consumed - the drinks, you gave the numbers in ounces, and I guess the blank here is listed in number of bags and partial bags, and they just want to verify the fact that the number you have was in ounces and also to check and see what unit you want to use for the rest of the mission on that so everybody will have it straight.

023 41 50 Duke: Okay, we'll use - we'd like to use ounces, and that's what we'll go with.

023 41 56 England: Okay.

023 41 57 Duke: That's what I read.

023 41 58 England: Okay. I understand. Thank you.

023 42 07 Duke: Tony, the - the menu side of it, the things that are in the menu are in, of course, bags.

023 42 16 England: Okay, we understand.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston. 23 hours, 42 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. That was Lunar Module Pilot Charlie Duke talking to Capcom Tony England here in Mission Control clarifying one point in the post- sleep report. We presently show Apollo 16 at a distance of 99,923 nautical miles [185,057 kilometres] from the Earth, and traveling at a speed of 5,238 feet [1,596 metres] per second.

023 42 54 Young: Okay. We can see the Earth out there, and it's getting a good deal amaller. It's about the same size as the Moon almost, out the other window. And Africa is clear this morning - at least the part that we can see, which is what's usually clear, right around from the Canaries on.

023 44 24 England: Very good. We've got you about a little over - well, you just passed 100,000 miles [185,200 kilometres] on our chart here.

023 44 32 Young: I would guess we're about 100,000 miles out. Yes.

023 44 40 England: Well, sounds like a milestone.

023 44 56 England: (Laughter) They say you're only 14 miles off, John. You're going to have to recalibrate your eyeball.

023 45 17 Young: Okay. From our point of view, you only got a little more than half an Earth.

023 45 23 England: Oh, that's right. We forgot; you're kind of handicapped.

023 45 28 Young: Right.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston. At 23 hours, 51 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 16 now 100,355 nautical miles [185,857 kilometres] away from the Earth, and now traveling at a speed of 52 hundred and 20 feet [1,591 metres] per second. It's been a very quiet day thus far for the crew of Apollo 16. We've heard from them with their post sleep report, and aside from a brief commentary by John Young on his view of the Earth, we've heard little else at this point, but we'll stand by and continue to monitor. This is Apollo Control, Houston at 23 hours, 52 minutes Ground Elapsed Time.

024 01 07 England: Ken, Houston.

024 01 15 Mattingly: Go ahead.

024 01 18 England: Okay. I've got a systems status report whenever you're comfortable and would like to hear it. There's nothing to write down on that.

024 01 26 Mattingly: Okay, can we stand by awhile?

024 01 28 England: Sure, no hurry at all. Okay, just give me a call when you' re ready.

024 01 40 Mattingly: All righty. Thank you.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston at 24 hours, 5 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 16 now 101,035 nautical miles [187,117 kilometres] away from the Earth. The velocity now reading 51 hundred 93 feet per second [1,583 metres] per second. During this period of relative calm and quiet, we'll pass along a brief update to our status on the crew report of last night of a, of particles emitting from the Lunar Module in the vicinity of the aluminum closeout panel which covers the Myloar insulation over the RCA [sic] system number, System A. The panel in question is 50-56 aluminum .004 inches thick [0.1 millimetres] with a 0.001 [inch - 0.025 millimetre] coating of white silicone paint. The paint is applied and baked for one-half hour at 400°F [200°C]. Grumman aircraft engineering has been checking the paperwork on the panel to see if its processing has been different than that before, making a thermal analysis to see if the mission could possibly be affected by the situation. The analysis shows the flaking will not affect the mission. Preparing a test plan to conduct on a simular panel that is being flown to Grumman from the Kennedy Space Center, tests would be expected to include such things as wiping the finish with different solvents and then to simulate flight vacuum and temperature conditions at an altitude chamber. The paint on this panel is applied to eight panels on each side of the Lunar Module. The coating is applied to handle the thermal conditions on the moon in the event of a T plus 24 hour launch when the sun angle of the Moon would be higher [ in other words, a take off from the lunar surface 24 hours later than planned]. We're at 24 hours, 7 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. We'll continue to monitor for any conversations with the crew of Apollo 16. This is Apollo Control, Houston.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston at 24 hours, 14 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 16 now 101,502 nautical miles [187982 kilometres] away from the Earth and traveling at a speed of 51 hundred 73 feet [1,576 metres] per second. We presently show the spacecraft weight at 103,078 pounds [45,848 kilogrammes]. We'll stand by and continue to monitor any conversations that might take place between the crew of Apollo 16 and our Capcom in Mission Control, Tony England.

PAO Stand by to continue to monitor.

024 15 09 Mattingly: Hey, Tony.

024 15 11 England: Yes. Go ahead, Ken.

024 15 18 Mattingly: Okay. I'm about to finish up on my coffee here. If it's something I don't need to write down, I'll just listen to what you have to say as you - as you read it off.

024 15 27 England: Okay. That sounds good. On the systems status, the RCS - everything looks fine. You're 27 pounds [12.2 kg] ahead on your usage. Must have a pretty light hand on the throttle there.

024 15 58 England: Okay, and on the ECS, the failure mode's probably in the control electronics. The valve was driving at max rate - that's 12 seconds, full open to full close, and they saw that on TM by the flow rate. I don't recomnend making any extensive changes since that doesn't seem to be the problem, and thermal runs are being made here at this time to determine the settings for lunar orbit. They don't anticipate any problems with it.

024 16 31 Mattingly: Okay. I - I kept watching it since we've set it. We haven't touched that thing now for a long time, and maybe I just haven't caught any of the extremes, but it looks like it's been holding nicely between about 45 and 50.

024 16 46 England: Right. We concur. We - we don't think you're gonna have to touch it until you go to the dark side. Okay, and on the SPS - normally during SPS cooldown during translunar coast, the helium in the SPS oxidizer tanks is absorbed by the oxidizer, causing a decrease in oxidizer tank pressure. Your transducer hasn't indicated this, and there - there may be a problem with that transducer. We've got a procedure change that I'll give to you later in your Flight Plan update, prior to the Midcourse 2, that will allow them to check that transducer.

024 17 45 Mattingly: Okay, Tony. And is there any change in the Midcourse 2 time, or is it going to be like the Flight Plan?

024 17 52 England: Right now, it looks as per Flight Plan. Okay. And on your DSE tape, Hank had a chance to take a look at it. Sounded - said it sounds fine. Dick will be in a little later and listen also, so everything looks Go for - for the operations Lunar orbit. And everything else looks great. It's kind of nice not to have much of a day here. Sure isn't like the sims.

024 18 36 Mattingly: Yeah, I hope we can quote the last sim (laughter).

024 18 39 England: Right. I got a little...

024 18 42 Duke: ...You said it all.

024 18 46 England: That's right. I went through the news. I don't know whether you guys, over your coffee, would like to read the newspaper, but I've got all the news that's fit to print, and I really don't have much to say. A great piece here is in the world of art. One of Vincent Van Gogh's best was stolen from the San - San Diego Art Gallery as part of a display that was named "Out of Sight." And I've got an input from Dottie here for Charlie.

024 19 23 Duke: I'm all ears.

024 19 25 England: Okay. She says your - your five bird eggs have hatched, and so you've got five new, healthy neighbors.

024 19 38 Duke: Oh, great; thank you (laughter).

024 19 39 England: You're welcome.

024 19 53 England: Okay. And on the Flight Plan update, we have five items, and there's no hurry to get them up there. Whenever you're ready to take them and - and write the stuff down, I'll send them on up.

024 20 10 Mattingly: Okay. Why don't you give us another ten minutes or so?

024 20 11 England: Okay, that'll be fine.

024 20 29 Mattingly: Tony, you'd enjoy seeing this place. After all the things you had to go through to keep the cockpit nice and clean out there, you'd never recognize it.

024 20 46 England: Well, it probably looks like any - any bachelor's pad.

PAO Apollo Control, Houston. 24 hours, 22 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 16 now 101,860 nautical miles [188,645 kilometres] away from the Earth, and traveling at a speed of 51 hundred 59 feet [1,572 metres] per second].

024 26 50 Duke: Okay, Houston. You speak with the Flight Plan update.

024 26 55 England: Okay. Stand by a second, Charlie.

024 28 33 England: Charlie, Houston.

024 28 37 Duke: Go ahead.

024 28 39 England: Okay. On the Flight Plan update, if you can dig out your CSM Updates, we'll make a change to a couple of procedures in there.

024 29 04 Duke: Did you want the Flight Plan or the Update Book?

024 29 07 England: Okay. This will be in the Update Book, this first one.

024 29 33 Duke: Okay, go ahead.

024 29 34 England: Okay. Go to the section on "Flight Plan Updates." It has the EMP programs.

024 29 45 Duke: Okay.

024 29 47 England: Okay, we'd like you to add a last step to each of the four EMP probe procedures. That would make a fourth step on the "Shortened P23" and a seventh step on "Manual range input," et cetera.

024 30 04 Duke: Okay. Stand by, Tony. They must had a hand over. You were cut out. Start over again, please.

024 30 10 England: Okay, understand. All right. In the "Flight Plan Update" section, on the four EMP programs, we'd like you to add a fourth - correction, a final termination procedure to each of the four programs. So on the "Shortened P23," we'd have a Step K, which reads "Verb 25 Noun 26 Enter," and then the "Four registers, Enter all balls" - correction, "Three registers, Enter all balls."

024 30 53 Duke: Okay, copy. Four step for P23 is "Verb 25 Noun 26, Enter all balls in all registers."

024 31 01 England: Okay. And on the next program, the "Manual range input," Step 7 would be the same thing.

024 31 30 Duke: Copy. "Manual range input," Step 7 to "Verb 25 Noun 26, Enter all balls."

024 31 36 England: Okay. And on the "Optics angle to body angles," we'll add a Step 7, and it would be the same as before.

024 32 07 Duke: Okay. Copy all balls.

024 32 11 England: Okay. And on the "Jet monitor" program, it'll be a Step 6, the same thing.

024 32 34 Duke: Okay. Go ahead.

024 32 36 England: Okay. The purpose for these were - was to protect the E-memory from other programs.

024 32 44 Duke: Okay...

024 32 46 England:...Okay. The next change is to your "SPS burn rules." So if you can get that card.

024 33 02 Duke: Go ahead.

024 33 04 England: Okay. On the fuel to oxidizer pressure, it should read - or it does read "Greater than 115." Will you change it to read "124 for oxidizer, 110 for fuel."

024 33 34 Duke: Okay. "Pressure greater than 115" is changed to "124, oxidizer; 110, fuel."

024 33 39 England: That's correct. And in the "Fuel to oxidizer Delta-P," it reads "Less than 20 psi." We'd like to change that to "35 psi oxidizer greater than fuel, or 5 psi oxidizer less than fuel."

024 34 09 Duke: Okay; copy "35 oxidizer greater than fuel; 5 oxidizer less than fuel."

024 34 14 England: Okay. And the final part of that is in the "Tight constraints" there in the box. It says "Greater than 160, and greater than 80." We'd like to change that to "Greater than 168 oxidizer, and greater than 153 fuel."

024 34 44 Duke: Okay. "Greater than 168 oxidizer; 153, fuel."

024 34 52 England: And I guess on that "Tight constraints" also, it's the - the chamber pressure says "Greater than 80" for the "Tight constraints."

024 35 07 Duke: Okay.

024 35 08 England: Okay. And that's the end of that procedure. A note here that this assumes a - a good oxidizer transducer, and there may be a - a problem that it's hung up. And we'll have a - a little later change in the Midcourse 2 burn procedure. And from this, we'll be able to tell what - what - where the problem is. I'll get that up to you as soon as they've sorted it out here. Okay, and there are two notes here. For Ken, a reminder to watch the UV film consumption magazine Oscar Oscar. He's right on the budget now, and there's no pad.

024 35 54 Mattingly: Roger. And there's no way to cut a film out.

024 35 57 England: I understand.

024 36 00 Mattingly: Now, we're - we're aware of it's being tight, Tony. If you see us slip behind - I - I guess I don't know what to do about it. You'll have to come up with a recommendation of what - what other photo to delete.

024 36 11 England: Okay. Well, we Just thought we'd let you know that you had a two-frame pad, and we've already used it.

024 36 18 Mattingly: You mean we've taken two frames we weren't supposed to?

024 36 21 England: I don't understand the note here. That was the note I got. Maybe it was used up before - before they loaded it or something. I'll find out.

024 36 32 Mattingly: As far as I know, Tony - Yeah, yeah, I just want to make sure that there's no misunderstanding on our part about what it is we're supposed to do, because we took only those frames that were selected, because we are aware of the tight budget.

024 36 46 England: Okay; understand.

024 36 48 Mattingly: And we might be off a little bit on the numbers we gave you, because, you know, that counter's kind of gross, and it's easy to get off by a - by a number or so, particularly when you start at the low end.

024 36 58 England: All right; understand. I'm just off that more than a number. Okay, and a last note. We'd like you to take a look when you get a chance at that - the LM thermal surface, and see if you notice any changes or can give us any more words on it. We really don't anticipate a problem there. It turns out in looking back, there was a history of one batch of bad paint, and they sort of think it's just the paint blistering up. And it doesn't seem to he on a...

024 37 28 Duke: All right...

024 37 29 England:...on the surface that'll give us a real bad problem.

024 37 37 Duke: Okay. We're ready to bring up the high gain if you've got some angles for us.

024 37 41 England: Okay. I'll get them.

024 37 52 England: Okay. We'd like you to stand by for ten minutes on that high gain.

024 38 00 Duke: All right.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston at 24 hours, 38 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 16 now 102,739 nautical miles [190,273 kilometres] away from the Earth, and traveling at a velocity of 5,123 feet [1,561 metres] per second.

024 45 14 England: Charlie, Houston.

024 45 19 Duke: Go ahead.

024 45 21 England: Okay, on the high gain, we'd like you to select Pitch, minus 40; Yaw, plus 90; and the Beam width in Narrow. And we'll give you a cue to switch over to the high gain.

024 45 52 Duke: Okay. You've got them selected. You going to cue us, you say?

024 45 55 England: That's affirmative. We'll give you a cue.

024 45 59 Duke: Okay.

024 46 42 England: Charlie, Houston.

024 46 49 Duke: Go ahead.

024 46 50 England: Okay. We'd like you to go Reacquisition now, and we'll command.

024 46 58 Duke: Say again?

024 46 59 England: We'd like you to go Reacquisition now.

024 47 04 Duke: Okay. You've got Reacq and High Gain.

024 47 07 England: Okay.

024 47 25 Young: Okay, Houston. To discuss that thermal layer of grass that we got growing on the - growing just outside the docking target, it's thinned out a pretty good bit since last night. I think it's gone somewhere, but there're a lot of these little square - rectangular strips about - up to two inches long; I see one that must be three inches long, and they're just sort of - look like they're glued - somebody glued a bunch of strips of grass onto that thermal shield, but most of them have gone. Where it was 100 percent coverage before, it looks like it's about 50 percent coverage now.

024 48 24 England: Okay, we copy that.

PAO Apollo Control, Houston, 24 hours, 48 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. That was John Young describing the current status of the particles on the Lunar Module. We show Apollo 16 at 103,197 nautical miles [191,120 kilometres] away from the Earth traveling at a speed of 5,106 feet [1,556 metres] per second.

024 49 33 Mattingly: Heys, Tony, are you folks ready for us to press on with a little film cycle?

024 49 43 England: Stand by a second, Ken.

024 49 47 Mattingly: Okay.

024 50 31 England: Okay, Ken; Houston.

024 50 35 Mattingly:[Garble]

024 50 37 England: Okay, we'd like you to go ahead on the film cycling down to the MSFN cue and then call us back.

024 50 47 Mattingly: Wilco.

024 52 20 Mattingly: Okay, Houston. How about a cue?

024 52 39 England: Okay. Stand by a second.

024 53 20 England: Okay, Ken. Go on, then, with your procedure.

024 53 25 Mattingly: Okay, I'll read these out as I go through them.

024 53 28 England: All right.

024 53 29 Mattingly: And the only thing that looked a little different is when I got down to the step where it said "Pan Camera Mode to Standby," it already was. I guess that's just an oversight.

024 53 25 Mattingly (onboard): John, would you switch - why don't you put me on vox?

024 53 40 England: Okay. Okay, that's no problem.

024 53 50 Young (onboard): You want to be on vox?

024 53 51 Mattingly (onboard): Yeah. No, that's top switch, top left, all the way down.

024 54 03 Mattingly (onboard): John? John?

024 54 05 Young (onboard): What?

024 54 06 Mattingly: What's the thumbwheel setting?

024 54 11 Young (onboard): It's - too low. It's five.

024 54 16 Mattingly: I - Okay, Tony. Can you read me now? I'm on vox.

024 54 18 England: Yes, you sound fine.

024 54 21 Mattingly: All righty. Mapping Camera is coming On. Stand by.

024 54 29 Mattingly: Mark.

024 54 42 Mattingly: You like to have the Pan Camera Self Test simultaneously, or would you like to do it sequentially?

024 54 46 England: Okay; we'd like it simultaneously.

024 54 48 Young (onboard): Yeah. Huh?

024 54 52 Mattingly: Okay; Pan Camera to Self Test, getting Self Test.

024 54 55 Mattingly: Mark. Barber pole now.

PAO You can hear Command Module pilot Ken Mattingly checking out the pan camera and the mapping camera onboard with the Mission Control Center in Houston. This is Apollo Control, Houston at 24 hours, 55 minutes Ground Elapsed Time.

024 55 01 Young (onboard): It's on, Charlie.

024 55 13 Young (onboard): Hope so. I wouldn't be talking to anybody if it wasn't on.

024 55 47 Young (onboard): Ken, you what to try the...

PAO Apollo Control, Houston at 24 hours, 56 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 16 now 103,540 nautical miles [191,756 kilometres] away from Earth.

024 55 48 Mattingly: Okay, I've got the gray flag on the Pan Camera Mode talkback, and that took about 45 seconds, as opposed to a minute.

024 55 58 Duke (onboard): We'll get it [garble]

024 55 57 England: Okay, we copy that.

024 56 00 Mattingly: Okay. So I'm going to go ahead and take the Pan Camera Power to Off.

024 56 07 England: Okay.

024 56 17 Young (onboard): If you're gonna oxidize your Delta-Ps, you're in - That's really a pain. How you gonna monitor something with that kind of an attitude?

024 56 26 Mattingly: Okay, I'm getting ready to take the Mapping Camera to Off, center.

024 56 31 Mattingly (onboard): Mark.

024 56 30 England: Okay, I've got two minutes here.

024 56 34 Mattingly: You got a good watch.

024 56 36 England: Right. A Mickey special.

024 57 01 Mattingly: Okay, there's our 30 seconds.

024 57 04 England: Okay.

024 57 08 Mattingly: Take the SM/AC Power Off. Man, that's what you call good timing.

024 57 21 Duke: Okay, Tony. We're going to Omni Bravo, and selecting is returned to High Gain.

024 57 24 England: Oh -

024 57 27 Mattingly/Duke (onboard): S-Band Aux TV to Off.

024 57 29 Duke (onboard): Okay.

024 57 31 Young (onboard): Gonna go Off?

024 57 30 England: Okay; sounds good, Charlie.

024 57 32 Mattingly: Yes, please, John; back to PTT Intercom. Thank you.

024 57 37 Young (onboard): Back there?

024 57 38 Mattingly (onboard): PCM Bit Rate, Low.

024 57 40 Young (onboard): Got it.

024 57 42 Mattingly (onboard): We is done.

024 57 44 Young (onboard): That was our big thing for today, wasn't it?

024 57 47 Mattingly (onboard): No, we got a little...

[End of CM tape]

024 57 50 Duke: Okay, Tony, we got a Delta - LM/CM Delta-P of 0.8 - -

024 57 54 England: Okay...

024 57 55 Duke:...and John's on the biomed now.

024 57 59 England: Okay; we copy that.

PAO Apollo Control, Houston. 24 hours, 58 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. The crew of Apollo 16 following very closely the timeline in the flight plan. Apollo 16 Commander John Young has just donned a biomedical harness as reported by Lunar Module Pilot Charles Duke. At 24 hours, 59 minutes Apollo 16 is 103,686 nautical miles [192,026 kilometres] away from the Earth.

025 06 37 England: Hey, John, you're giving us some great TV there.

025 06 52 Young: What did he say? What did you say, Tony?

025 06 54 England: I said we're getting some great TV down here. Looks good.

025 07 00 Young: Was that one of your tapes?

025 07 05 England: Ah so, that's a tape. Sorry about that.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston at 25 hours, 7 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. That exchange between Tony England and Apollo 16, the reference was to a replay which had taken place in the Mission Control Center of the tape of yesterday evenings television. This picture is being studied by some of the flight controllers here who had not had an opportunity to see it before along with Dr. Robert R. Gilruth who was the former director of the Manned Spacecraft Center. We are at 25 hours, 7 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 16 now 104,125 nautical miles [192,839 kilometres] away from the Earth and traveling at a speed of 5,068 feet [1,545 metres] per second.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston at 25 hours, 11 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Very little conversation is taking place between our CapCom Tony England and the Mission Control Center and the crew of Apollo 16. It is during this time frame however that the crew of Apollo 16 should be performing the electrophoresis demonstration.  During this demonstration the crew will attempt onboard to prove the higher purity of particle migrations in zero g. Three mylar tubes containing microspheres are used for this activity. The tubes are positively and negatively charged at either end. The movement of the microspheres is then studied. This movement is documented by means of the 70 millimeter Hasselblad camera. This is the demonstration that was also performed during Apollo 14. We're at 25 hours,12 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. We're continuing to monitor. This is Apollo Control, Houston.

025 18 07 Mattingly: Houston, 16.

025 18 11 England: Go ahead.

025 18 14 Mattingly: Okay, Tony. We're on the electrophoresis now, and we're now - just about to - to hook up the power cable and turn the power on, and it says at that point "Hold for instructions from Houston."

025 18 29 England: Okay (laughter), instructions I have there are to press on through that hold and go on down to just before starting the camera and then hold again and give us a call.

025 18 41 Mattingly: Okay.

025 20 25 England: Apollo 16, Houston.

025 20 29 Mattingly: Go ahead. Over.

025 20 31 England: Okay. At your convenience, when you get a chance, we'd like you to read out all quads of the RCS propellant quantity for correlation with the TM.

025 20 48 Mattingly: Okay. A is 90; B is 96; C is 96; D is over 100, about 101 or 2.

025 21 05 England: Okay, we copy that.

025 23 54 Duke: Houston.

025 23 56 England: Go ahead, Charlie.

025 23 57 Duke: Houston, we're - we're down to the step - before Ken turns on the electrophoresis fire. Where do you want us to hold that? Over.

025 24 12 England: Okay, we'd like you to hold just prior to starting the camera.

025 24 20 Duke: Okay, Just prior to starting the camera.

025 24 22 England: Roger. On the next page.

025 24 25 Mattingly: Okay; how about telling us where we're going here, because...

025 24 28 England: Okay...

025 24 29 Mattingly:...I've got to turn this thing on, and I'd like to have it in my mind what it is we're going to do.

025 24 34 England: Roger. It's no big deal. The note here was, at that point, you're supposed to observe the current meters, and if there's no indication of a current flow in any tube, you tap the box gently along the - the axis, or parallel with the face, and then you allow the whole de - the whole unit to lie motionless for additional three to five minutes before proceeding. They're afraid there may be a bubble in one of the tubes, and you don't get a current.

025 25 06 Mattingly: Okay. Well, actually, there's a bubble in each tube.

025 25 10 England: Say that again.

025 25 12 Mattingly: Actually, there's a bubble in each tube. And it's each tube has a bubble. They are in exactly the same place. They're lined up in a row, and they are directly over meter Number 3. And the bubbles are about - oh, one-eighth of an inch in diameter.

025 25 41 England: Okay, the PI says that's okay, and we should go ahead and proceed.

025 25 47 Mattingly: Okay. Now, the question that you had for me was that if - if any of the meters do not go into the green, we turn the power on. Did you want me to tap the box, and then do what?

025 26 02 England: Okay. The instructions were to tap the box gently, allow the unit to remain motionless for an additional three to five minutes, and then proceed.

025 26 13 Mattingly: Okay; and this time, if we don't get the meters into the green, we proceed anyhow; is that correct?

025 26 18 England: According to the instructions, that's correct.

025 26 22 Mattingly: All righty.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston, 25 hours,27 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. That was Ken Mattingly Command Module Pilot, of Apollo 16 discussing procedures for the eleccrophoresis demonstration with CapCom Tony England here in Mission Control. We now show Apollo 16 at the 10,557 nautical miles [sic] away from the Earth and traveling at a speed of 5,032 feet [1,534 metres] per second.

025 27 44 Mattingly: Okay, Tony. It turns out that meter Number 1 is just barely into the red; meter Number 2 didn't come up quite into the red; meter Number 3 is about a needle width below the red.

025 28 06 England: Okay. We'd like you to go on with the experiment.

025 28 14 Mattingly: Okay, I've jiggled it a little bit and I'm gonna let it settle here for a second, and then we'll start. We'll give you a mark when we start.

025 28 23 England: Roger, we concur.

025 30 16 Mattingly: Okay, Houston; we have started the experiment. Kind as soon as we got it rotating - got it running, and I turned according to the decal on the box, which is counterclockwise, half rotation; and, soon as I did, the orange film disappeared and - I see white particles coming through - coming through as a stream. It looks much like a - a - it looks like latex.

025 31 01 England: Okay. We copy that. Any difference in rates between the different tubes?

025 31 06 Mattingly: Yeah. The first thing that happened, as soon as I opened it, I got a big blob of this stuff inside cf the - it looks like the inside of the window here between where it shows - the decal on the outside says "Sample 1 and 2." it's got a big - couple of big blobs in there .... the Number 1 sample is approaching it. The Number 3 sample is about halfway between ring 2 and 3. Also have current meter Number 1 is in the green, current meter Number 2 is in the green, and Number 3 is still about a needle width below the red line and didn't move at all. The bubbles are moving at about the same rate as the white material, and the first bubble in tube Number 2 has just reached the yellow band, and as I understand this, I'm going to have to wait until the white material reaches that yellow band.

025 32 28 England: That's affirmative. The white material in the fastest tube.

025 32 33 Mattingly: Okay.

025 32 36 England: And we had some bad comm right there in the middle when you were describing the rates and the difference in the three tubes of the white material. If you could say a little bit of that again, it might help.

025 32 47 Mattingly: Okay. It's moving much more rapidly than I had anticipated it would, Tony. Right now, the Number 2 sample is leading by about a nose. It's just crossed the one - two - three - four - fifth ring inscribed on that center tube. The Number 3 sample has just crossed the fourth one; the Number 1 sample has just crossed the fifth one now; and Number 2 is about halfway between five and six. Number 3 sample is maintaining a very cohesive shape and looks --ike a little cylinder with a pointed nose on it, and it's maintaining its white consistency. And it's going in - I - guess that the length of the - group of particles in there that's maintaining a solid appearance is about the width of one of these lines. Then, it tails out to a very diffuse gaseols - just a swirl material behind it that goes all the way back to the Lexam. The faster samples are diffusing much more rapidly, and they have a little nose on them, which is very thin and leads ahead of the larger mass of material. And they form sort of a cone shape. and they are about two and a half to three ring lengths in length, and - I'm talking about the distance between - sets of rings. And they both appear to be diffusing about the same amount. The Number 2 sample is really starting to break up now and starting to twist the - looks like it's taking on a corkscrew appearance as it approaches the yellow line. And it's approaching the yellow line, and now Nunber 1 is approaching one [garble] so I'm gonna hit the Reversal Switch.

025 34 38 England: Okay. You say there is no difference in diffusion between 1 and 2?

025 34 48 Mattingly: Well, there wasn't when we started, now - well, now that we've hit the Reversal Switch (laughter), I guess all bets are off. The - (laughter) they've just really broken up in Number 2 and in - Number 1 is holding together a little better. They really looked very, very similar; except that just as it crossed the last ring before the yellow ring, Number 2 started to get an elongate nose on the point, and it was starting to twist - I say it was looking like a corkscrew. And then about the same time, when - just about the time I hit the Reversal Switch, the sample in Number 1 did the same thing. The sample in Number 3 is doing entirely a different operation. It retained sort of a bullet shape all the way down as far as it went, and now - that we've reversed it, the pointed end, which was on the right side, the direction of motions has now become a flat blunt end, and it's picking up - kind of an arrow-shaped head on the left side as it goes back towards the container. But it's still retaining its cohesiveness. The sample Number 2 just really got all diffused and spread around. And Number 1 is holding together a little bit better. It's starting to take shape that looks very much like Number 3; in fact, the trailing edge - that's the one on the right side now, or sample Number 1 - has just about caught up and looks very much like sample Number 3, except that you can tell that some of the material in sample 1 has been diffused.

025 36 31 England: Outstanding.

025 36 32 Mattingly: And we're about to approach the original end. Do you want me to reverse it again, or what do you suggest at this point?

025 36 48 England: Yeah, Ken. We'd like you to reverse it again.

025 36 51 Mattingly: Okay, and I'll do that when the first large portion of the sample reaches the Lexan manifold; is that okay? That's - some of the diffused material will already coincide.

025 37 05 England: Okay, that sounds good.

PAO Apollo Control, Houston, that is Ken Mattingly describing the movement inside the three tubes for the electrophoresis demonstration. We're at 25 hours, 37 minutes into the mission. Apollo 16 now 105,559 nautical miles [195,495 kilometres] out from the Earth.

025 37 33 Mattingly: Okay, I've reversed it, and I reversed it when the pointed end of sample Number 3 reached the first marked ring before reaching the Lexan manifold.

025 37 42 England: Okay.

025 37 45 Mattingly: And it's starting to snake now. I - These - these little blobs don't seem to take this reversal so well. Another thing that was a little different on that first - when I - after I reversed it, sample Number 1, I mentioned that all three had bubbles who were right together when we started. The bubble on - on them all passed over to the extreme right end, except that Number 1, when we reversed the samples, it remained over in the right end, and Numbers 2 and 3 traveled with the material.

025 38 21 England: Okay. Copy that.

025 40 08 Mattingly: Okay, Tony, Number 2 has reached the end again. I'm going to reverse it for the last time.

025 40 16 England: Okay.

025 40 17 Mattingly: It's reversed at this time. Mark it.

025 40 19 England: Okay.

025 40 23 Mattingly: Number 2 is completely - looks like a - an emulsion Number 1 still has a central core that's holding together, and Number 3 is doing a good job of staying together. It's diffused very little.

025 40 41 England: Okay, we copy that.

025 40 45 Mattingly: Okay, and at the end of this - it looks to me like it's so diffused that at the end of this run when we get it back, I'll just go ahead and secure it.

025 42 37 England: Yeah, Ken, I think they're gonna have fun analyzing that one.

025 42 42 Mattingly: I think they've got their work cut out for them. Are there any questions that you might want to get resolved that maybe I - were obvious to me but weren't obvious to you (laughter) before we put it all away? We're going to be closing down here in a couple of minutes.

025 43 00 England: Okay. The PI is back there, and hopefully he's working on some questions.

025 44 25 England: Ken, Houston.

025 44 29 Mattingly: Go ahead.

025 44 31 England: Okay. One, you said you - you tapped the box there at the beginning to try to get rid of the bubbles. How long did you wait before you started? I know you gave a mark, but we'd like to verify that.

025 44 45 Mattingly: Between the time we tapped the bubbles and the time we started the experiment?

025 44 49 England: That's affirmative.

025 44 51 Mattingly: Is that the time frame you - ? Okay. That time frame was - I would guess it was about a minute, Tony. Because when I tapped it, I just couldn't get them to move. I had already - I had already tapped that thing once before, for the bubbles, and - because when - as soon as we unpacked it, we saw the bubbles out there, and I banged it a little bit to try and see if I could get them to move and didn't have any luck at all. So we didn't wait any three or five minutes, it - it was about two minutes, I guess.

025 45 19 England: Okay, we copy that; two minutes. And on the Tube 1, did you notice any separation of the two sizes?

025 45 29 Mattingly: Not unless that's what this diffuse and central feature turns out to be. But the dark - oh, let me rephrase that, the higher concentration of material that makes it look more solid - if that's a large particle and the diffuse material is the finer particles, then I would say that perhaps there was a separation of small oarticles from larger ones in tube Number 2 just about the time I reversed it, just starting to show up, and Number 1 perhaps the same. And Number 3, I would say, if that's the proper interpretation, that there was no appreciable separation of any kind. And I'm not sure that Number 1 ever exhibited the - some of the symptoms that Number 2 did. I can't tell you right now which of these tubes splurted these blobs of particles under the window unit.

025 46 30 England: All right, we copy that. We - I sort of expected from the information we got here that [Number ] 1 would be the one that split up in the two sizes, but I guess we'll have to look at that later.

025 46 43 Mattingly: Okay. Again, I'm not sure what this little burst of material that got out on the window might be. Maybe we lost some of the stuff from one of them.

025 46 53 England: Okay. That's all the questions I had here. At least the bugs didn't eat the particles.

PAO Apollo Control, Houston 25 hours, 48 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. We've had a continuing discussion with Command Module Pilot Ken Mattingly on the electrophoresis demonstration. We now show Apollo 16 at 106,097 nautical miles [196,492 kilometres] out from the Earth and traveling at a velocity of 4,992 feet [1,522 metres] per second.

025 50 22 Duke: Houston, did you get that? That was magazine UU up to Frame 55 on that experiment.

025 50 28 England: Okay, Uncle Uncle 55. Thank you.

025 50 32 Duke: Roger.

025 55 36 England: Apollo 16, Houston.

025 55 40 Young: Go ahead. Over.

025 55 42 England: Okay. At your convenience, we've got the change to your SPS burn procedure.

025 55 51 Young: Okay, you've got to stand by on that one. Things are kind of busy right now.

025 55 56 England: Right, understand. No hurry at all.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston at 26 hours, 13 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Lunarly [sic] no conversation with the crew of Apollo 16, during a good part of this shift thus far, We now show Apollo 16 at 107,262 nautical miles [198,649 kilometres] away from the Earth. Velocity now reading 4,947 feet [1,508 metres] per second. Apollo 16's present weight 103,026 pounds [46,732 kilogrammes]. This is Apollo Control, Houston continuing to monitor at 26 hours, 13 minutes since lift-off.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston at 26 hours, 33 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. We presently show Apollo 16 at a distance of 108,209 nautical miles [200,403 kilometres] away from the Earth. Velocity now reads 4,912 feet [1,497 metres] per second. We're standing by continuing to monitor, in the event - we have any conversation with the crew of Apollo 16, but it's been a very quiet shift. We're at 26 hours, 33 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. This is Apollo Control, Houston.

026 33 55 Duke: Houston, 16.

026 33 58 England: Go ahead, Charlie.

026 34 01 Duke: Tony, you just went by my window, and that half-Earth, man, is a spectacular sight.

026 34 06 England: I bet it is. I tell you, I'm green with envy.

026 34 17 Duke: Well, I don't want to trade with you.

026 34 19 England: (Laughter) You say the world looked pretty good when it went by?

026 34 29 Mattingly: How far out are we now, Tony?

026 34 34 England: 108,285.1 [nautical miles - 200,538.4 kilometres].

026 34 37 Mattingly: Say again. You were broken up.

026 34 41 England: Okay; 108,285.1. Change to point 6.

026 34 48 Mattingly: Okay, thank you.

026 35 08 Mattingly: I think one of the most impressive sights, Tony, is the cloud formations you can see and the polar icecap.

026 35 17 England: Very good. Have you had a chance to look long enough to see your - see the dynamics at all?

026 35 24 Mattingly: Negative. We just now took the shade down on my side. That's the first view I've had all morning.

026 35 31 England: Very good.

026 35 33 Duke: There was that awful big storm up off the coast of Alaska in the Bering Sea, I guess it was yesterday. I can't see that now, though. I think you all are in the dark.

026 35 54 England: I guess our weather chart doesn't go up that high. I was going to see what we've got there now, but it only includes your recovery areas.

026 36 34 England: We're reviewing that film that you took - that TV that you took last night. And there are a lot of sparklies out the window. Were those all just loose particles floating around?

026 36 43 Duke: Yes, the LM was really shedding on that one panel there, Tony, and, in fact, we've still got quite a few particles floating along with us right now.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston at 27 hours Ground Elapsed Time. We presently show Apollo 16 at a distance of 109 490 nautical miles [202,775 kilometres] from Earth and traveling at a speed of 4,864 feet [1,482 metres] per second. Meanwhile in the Mission Control Center we do presently plan for Apollo 16 to perform midcourse correction Number 2. This would be at the normal flight plan time 30 hours, 39 minutes of Ground Elapsed Time. And the MCC 2 burn would have a Delta V of 12.6 feet per second [3.84 metres] per second, and this would be a burn of a two second duration performed with the Service Propulsion System engine. We're at 27 hours, 1 minute to [sic] Ground Elapsed Time, continuing to monitor. This is Apollo Control, Houston.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston at 27 hours, 8 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. During this quiet period in the Mission Control Center we are replaying the launch television on one of the large screens. This was the team of flight controllers that was on station during launch, and quite frankly very few had the opportunity to follow the sequence during the -- visually during the actual launch. We presently show Apollo 16 at an altitude of 109,854 nautical miles [203,450 kilometres] at a velocity of 4,850 feet [1,478 metres] per second.

027 29 09 Duke: Houston, 16.

027 29 13 England: Go ahead, Charlie.

027 29 15 Duke: Okay, Tony. I'm back up again. Do you want to talk at - to us about those SPS burn rules?

027 29 23 England: Oh...

027 29 24 Duke: Stand by one. Ken wants to - Stand by.

027 29 26 England: Okay.

027 29 52 Duke: Okay, Tony. Go ahead.

027 29 55 England: Okay, this isn't the burn rules, it's a discussion of procedures for Midcourse 2 only. And a change could be noted in your cue. card - SPS cue card - or the G&C Checklist G/5-2, but you might want to hear the whole thing before you write it down. Okay, at burn minus 6 minutes, the line that reads "SPS Helium Valve, two, to Auto" should be changed to "SPS Helium Valves, two, to Manual for 10 seconds." And "After 10 seconds, SPS Helium Valves, two, to Auto." And then, they'd remain in Auto for the burn. And we have a couple of notes to that. First - -

027 30 53 Mattingly: You're talking about going to On when you say "Manual." And you don't want us to stay there ten seconds if it exceeds 200, do you?

027 31 05 England: That's right. If it exceeds 210, we want you to turn them off. And we'll do the burn with them off - because if it went to Auto during the burn, we'd go right back into the problem.

027 31 24 Mattingly: Okay.

027 31 26 England: Okay. That was one of the notes, and you just anticipated it there. The other note is, you may, if - if we've diagnosed the transducer problem correctly, you'll probably get an SPS Pressure light. That will go on at 201 pounds.

027 31 57 Duke: Okay.

027 31 59 England: Right now, they are anticipating that, by the time of the burn, that transducer will be biased about 15 pounds high.

027 32 10 Duke: Okay; that's the oxidizer side?

027 32 15 England: That's affirmative.

027 32 18 Duke: Okay. What is - what do you think is wrong with that transducer?

027 32 23 England: Right now, the note is that the comparison chamber, which should be at about atmospheric pressure, has leaked. And the leak is just making up for the normal absorption of helium, so the gage is reading about constant. Eventually, that comparison chamber will leak down to zero, and then you'll be comparing - instead of comparing to 14.7, you'll be comparing to zero, and it will read 15 pounds high.

027 33 01 England: We're reading about 11 pounds high now.

027 33 07 Duke: Okay; our gage has been constant since lift-off.

027 33 11 England: Right. We can read the pressure farther on down the line; and, in the fuel side, the tank pressure and the pressure down the line are tracking right along, and they should be on the oxidizer side. But on the oxidizer side, the tank's staying constant and the one dcwn the line is dropping down as it should. So either the one in the tank is just locked up or the leak out of the comparison chamber is just making up the difference.

027 33 38 Duke: Okay.

PAO Apollo Control, Houston at 27 hours, 34 minutes Apollo 16 now 111,051 nautical miles [205,666 kilometres] away from the Earth. Velocity now reads 4806 feet [1,465 metres] per second. .

027 35 53 England: Charlie, Houston.

027 35 58 Duke: Go ahead.

027 36 00 England: Just so there is no misunderstanding here, I'd like to verify this up - this - procedure. We're going to Manual for 10 seconds at six minutes before the burn, and then ,nominally, we'll go back to Auto even if you get a - a caution. The only point where we'd go to Off would be if it went above 210.

027 36 29 Duke: Okay, copy. At six minutes, Helium Valves go to Manual for 10 seconds, then to Auto. If pressure goes to greater than 210, go to Off.

027 36 38 England: That's affirmative.

027 36 39 Duke: If we get a caution light, but less than 210, we still stay in Auto.

027 36 44 England: That's right.

PAO Apollo Control, Houston at 27 hours, 37 minutes into the mission. That was Capcom Tony England up dating the crew of Apollo 16. The procedure is for the Midcourse Correction Number 2 burn, which is .... MCC2 was scheduled for 30 hours, 39 minutes Ground Elapsed Time and that would be a 12.6 foot [3.84 metres] burn with the duration of two seconds using the Service Propulsion System engine. We are 27 hours, 38 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 16 now 111,245 nautical miles [206,026 kilometres] away from the Earth. Velocity continuing to decrease and now reading 4,799 feet [1,463 metres] per second.

027 38 11 Duke: Houston, 16. Do you guys feel like that your transducers are good on the ground?

027 38 26 Duke: What I mean to say is, do you feel like that your telemetry's good on the SPS tank pressure?

027 38 36 England: Stand by one, Charlie.

027 40 29 England: Charlie, Houston.

027 40 33 Duke: Go ahead.

027 40 34 England: Okay, the telemetry here - the telemetry is good. And we can read from the transducer that you're reading your oxidizer tank pressure; we can also read from the inlet pressure transducer, which you can't read on board. The inlet pressure transducer indicates that - nominal decay and pressure due to helium absorption by the oxidizer. And this looks just like all the other flights. The other one is the one that you are reading, and it looks like it's locked up. The reason for the procedure that we've sent up is to make sure that we know the pressures in the lines before this burn, which will give us a baseline to plan the management during the LOI.

027 41 20 Duke: Well, okay. That's what had us a - talking in here about how we're going to monitor the LOI.

027 41 27 England: Right. That's our concern, too. And what we're trying to do is get enough unknowns out of this Midcourse so that we can have a good handle on the LOI.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston, at 28 hours and 4 minutes into the Mission. We presently show Apollo 16 at the distance of 112,448 nautical miles [208,253 kilometres] away from the Earth and now traveling at a speed of 4,755 feet [1,449 metres] per second. We're standing by continuing to monitor any conversation which has been quite sparse through the past several hours of the flight, but we will continue to do that and this is Apollo Control, Houston.

028 10 01 Young: Houston, Apollo 16. Over.

028 10 04 England: Go ahead, John.

028 10 07 Young: Roger. The bias test is completed at the end of a minute, 40 seconds. We got 102.0 on our Delta-V counter.

028 10 19 England: Okay. 102.0.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston at 28 hours, 10 minutes. That was Apollo 16 Commander John Young reporting that the MS bias check was completed. We presently show Apollo 16 at 112,740 nautical miles [208,794 kilometres] away and now traveling at a speed of 4,744 feet [1,446 metres] per second. Thus far during this shift the white team of flight controllers it's been very straight forward by the books very little conversations between mission control and the flight crew. We standing by and continuing to monitor at 28 hours, 11 minutes this is Apollo Control, Houston.

028 24 56 England: Apollo 16, Houston.

028 25 08 Duke: Go ahead.

028 25 10 England: Okay, we've got a few more questions on that paint shredding. When you have a break, if you'll give us a call, we'll send them up to you.

028 25 56 Duke: Okay, Tony; go ahead.

028 25 59 England: Okay. Last night during the TV show, the lighting wasn't ideal. Maybe you have observed something that we couldn't see in the tapes here. Okay, that panel behind the docking target - was it completely covered with the shredded material? There's an access panel right in the middle of that - of the overall panel there - and we're curious to know if it was just in the access panel, or the whole panel.

028 26 29 Duke: Okay, Tony, it was on the whole panel.

028 26 33 England: Okay, how about any other panels around? It looked like on TV there might be some on that panel just to the right. And, if so, do you have any words on any other panels?

028 26 46 Duke: Okay, it's on that whole section there, Tony. There's two triangular panels, one on each side of this rectangular pattern which is right below the docking target. That whole section that is parallel of the Plus-X [axis], below the docking target, the two triangular panels and the rectangular panel all are shredded.

028 27 07 England: Okay, we copy that.

028 27 11 Duke: ...

028 27 12 England: Say again?

028 27 22 England: Was there any gold Mylar Kapton visible on the panel behind the docking target?

028 27 29 Duke: Negative. It's - it's - apparently just a black surface now, most of the white-looking paint, or whatever it is, is all - most all gone now. There's just a - oh, I'd say maybe a ten percent of the surface is now covered with this shredded white stuff.

028 27 47 England: The origin of that question was there was some question whether the panel may not have come off entirely and, underneath that, is some of the Mylar stuff.

028 27 57 Duke: Well, the panel is still on, in fact, you - you can't even see the Mylar - the - the - below it is a black surface that looks much like the top of the ascent prop - propellant tank.

028 28 10 England: Okay, and I guess you mentioned last night there was some streaming of the paint as it was coming off. Was there a preferred direction - or what was it?

028 28 20 Duke: Yes, radially - well, from us, it was radial to the X-axis. Almost right out over the ascent module - out the Y-axis.

028 28 38 England: Was it independent of your jet firings?

028 28 44 Duke: When Ken fired the jets, it really blew it off then.

028 28 48 England: Uh-huh. In the same direction?

028 28 52 Duke: No, it made it go the other way down towards - the - the legs of the LM.

028 28 57 England: Okay, and, without the RCS then, it was almost at right angles to the panel and, otherwise, it was going down towards the legs?

028 29 06 Duke: Yes, and it looks like - like John said, right now, Tony, as we come around into the Sun, there's some particles coming out -.off now more towards Quad 2. And it looks like it's on the underside of this panel as we cannot - we cannot see it, and - but it's between Quad 3 - 2 and the APS propellant module - correction the APS propellant tank.

028 29 40 England: Okay, we're looking at the drawing here and see where you mean.

028 29 46 Duke: Say again?

028 29 47 England: Roger; we copy that, Charlie. What we're searching for on this direction of flow is if you think there's any - anything in the area that might cause it to stream out like some - a leaky tank or anything of that sort, or whether it just seems to be almost random.

028 30 03 Duke: Say again Tony, you cut out after - all after "What we':re searching for."

028 30 08 England: Okay, what we're searching for here is just - We don't think there is any leak over there or anything of that sort. but, if there is a preferred direction of flow, we're looking for any indication of what it might be so we'll know where - where the flow is coming from.

028 30 23 Duke: Tony, please, you're .-for some reason, you weren't up-linking, and we've had all after "What - what we're searching for.'

028 30 38 England: Okay; stand by a second, Charlie. I'll be back with you in a minute.

028 31 23 England: Okay, Charlie; Houston. How do you copy now?

028 31 30 Duke: You're five by.

028 31 32 England: Okay, we were just searching around here a little bit - Far-out possibility might be that we had a small leak in there or something and it was causing the peeled paint to flow off in a particular direction; and we were just wondering if you had any indication that that might be the case, or whether it's just flying off at right angles?

028 31 54 Duke: Well, when we first saw it, that was our opinion also, but now that most of it's gone - is - it - it's sort of just coming off in different directions. Over.

028 32 13 England: Okay, we copy that.

028 32 17 Duke: And, Tony, the stuff that - is really not white; it's more of - now it's more of a gold-looking color or sandy color now.

028 32 26 England: Okay. That's the shredded stuff you're talking about?

028 32 32 Duke: That affirmative.

028 32 35 England: All right, the thermal people aren't - aren't upset about this at all. They don't think it will give us any constraint. Evidently, that surface was only on there for the very high-Sun case.

028 32 49 Duke: Okay. Well, the panel is intact underneath that paint job, whatever it was. The panel apparently is intact.

028 32 58 England: Okay.

028 33 14 England: Okay, Charlie, I guess that's the whole set of questions here. Everybody is very happy with - with what we're hearing.

028 34 15 Duke: Tony, that panel that shredded - the ones we were telling you about are - have some more pronounced wrinkle ridges in them than any of the other panels.

028 34 29 England: Okay, we copy that, Charlie. We'll find out what that means.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston at 28 hours, 36 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. We presently show Apollo 16 at 113,903 nautical miles [210,948 kilometres] away from the Earth and traveling at a speed of 4,703 feet [1,433 metres] per second. The exchange that you heard between Charlie Duke the Lunar Module Pilot aboard Apollo 16 and CapCom Tony England dealt, of course, with the particles that were sighted first yesterday evening. The Grumman thermal people who operated one of the staff support rooms, here have identified it as not being a problem, and here in Mission Control we're attempting to acquire more precise explanation for the behavior of these paint particles. We're at 28 hours, 37 minutes Ground Elapsed Time and this is Apollo Control, Houston.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston at 28 hours, 52 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Our displays presently show Apollo 16, at a distance of 114,597 nautical miles [212,234 kilometres] away from the Earth. Velocity now reads 4678 feet [1,426 metres] per second. We're at 28 hours, 52 minutes and this is Apollo Control, Houston.

PAO This is Apollo Control, Houston at 28 hours, 57 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 16 now 114,858 nautical miles [212,717 kilometres] away from the Earth. And now traveling at a speed of 4,669 feet [1,423 metres] per second. In the Mission Control Center we're in the process of a shift change. This being the Orange Team of flight controllers replacing the White Team of flight controllers and we're at 28 hours, 58 minutes into the mission. This is Apollo Control, Houston.

029 11 28 Young: Houston, 16. Do you read?

029 11 31 England: Go ahead, 16.

029 11 34 Mattingly: Okay, did you read John there?

029 11 38 England: Negative.

029 11 41 Mattingly: Okay, we're exiting PTC and going to the far-UV attitude.

029 11 45 England: Roger.

PAO This is Apollo Control, at 29 hours, 14 minutes. We've completed our shift hand over in Mission Control. Flight Firector Pete Frank has been checking with his Flight Controllers, he'll being going around the room shortly and getting a status and briefing for the things that will be going on during this shift. We will have a change of shift press briefing that is scheduled to begin in about ten to 15 minutes and will be in the News Center Briefing Room. Participants in the briefing will be Flight Director Gene Kranz, and Flight Surgeon Dr. Royce Hawkins. That again will be in about ten to 15 minutes in the MSC News Center Briefing Room.

029 21 38 Peterson: 16, we've got a state vector and a target load whenever you're ready to accept.

029 21 48 Duke: You ye got it.

029 21 50 Peterson: Roger, thank you.

029 21 58 Duke: How long you been down there?

029 22 00 Peterson: Oh, about 20 minutes.

029 22 13 Duke: How's the weather down there today, Pete?

029 22 16 Peterson: Beautiful. A little warm.

029 22 48 Peterson: And, Charlie, you're right over the Gulf of Mexico.

029 22 50 Mattingly: He looked out his window and said that you guys are still there.

029 22 59 Peterson: Say again, Ken.

029 23 02 Mattingly: Looks like you guys are still there.

029 23 05 Peterson: Affirmative.

029 23 08 Duke: What did you say about the Gulf, Pete?

029 23 11 Peterson: Yeah, you should be right directly over the Gulf of Mexico.

029 23 28 Duke: Yeah, I was thinking the same thing - that we could see it, anyway.

029 25 02 Peterson: And, 16, you can have the computer.

029 25 09 Young: Thank you. Do you want us to go to Delta now, or you guys going to hang on to the antennas?

029 25 20 Peterson: Roger. You can stay there.

PAO This is Apollo Control. We are ready to switch now to the MSC News Center Briefing Room for our change of shift press briefing.

029 39 21 Mattingly: Houston, do you have the angles?

029 39 24 Peterson: Affirmative; we got them.

029 39 33 Mattingly: Torqued at 39:30.

029 39 38 Peterson: Roger.

029 40 03 Peterson: And, 16, we can get the MCC-2 Pad and the high gain antenna angles for MCC-2 whenever you're ready.

029 40 47 Young: Okay, Houston. Go ahead with your pad.

029 40 50 Peterson: Okay, MCC-2: SPS/G&N; 66768; plus 1.24, minus 0.11; 030:39:00.01; Noun 81 is plus 0008.9, minus 0001.1, plus 0008.9; 094, 354, 010; Noun 44s are NA; Delta-V T, 0012.6, 0:02, 0008.3; sextant star, 40, 256.4, 30.3; rest of the pad is NA. Set stars are Sirius and Rigel; 219; 166; 313; ullage, none; LM weight, 36258.

029 42 25 Young: Okay, we copy MCC-2, SPS slash G&N; 66768; plus 1.24, minus 0.11; 030:39:00. 81; plus 0008.9, minus 0001.1, plus 0008.9; 094, 354, 010; NA; NA; 0012!.6, 0:02, 0008.3; 40, 256.43, 30.3; rest of the pad is NA. Sirius and Rigel; 219; 166; 313; no ullage; LM weight, 36258.

029 43 13 Peterson: That's affirmative, Johnny. Now you ready for the high gain angles?

029 43 25 Young: Go ahead.

029 43 26 Peterson: Okay. Pitch, minus 46; Yaw, plus 0.

029 43 37 Young: Pitch, minus 46; Yaw, plus 0.

029 43 40 Peterson: Roger.

029 45 50 Mattingly: Okay, Houston, we turned on the Hydrogen Purge Line Heaters; maybe we can get this purge off a hair early.

029 45 59 Peterson: Roger; copied.

PAO This is Apollo Control, at 29 hours, 52 minutes into the flight of Apollo 16. During our change of shift press briefing, the crew aboard the spacecraft has been completing preparations for their first Midcourse Correction on the translunar leg of this flight. That midcourse coming at the second opportunity, at a Ground Elapsed Time of 30 hours, 39 minutes. And they have now completed aligning the guidance platform which is used as an attitude reference for the maneuver. The burn will be performed with the Service Propulsion System engine in the Service Module and will be 12.6 foot [3.8 metres] per second maneuver. Burning the engine for two seconds. We've accumulated about four minutes of taped conversation with the crew and we'll play that back for you now and then stand by live.

029 56 41 Young: Houston, can we do this waste water dump now, or do you want us to wait closer in?

029 56 50 Peterson: Stand by a minute, John; we'll check it.

029 57 01 Peterson: John, we'd prefer you wait until after the sextant star check.

029 57 07 Young: Okay.

029 57 10 Mattingly: I'll tell you one thing about that - that sextant business, Don. We got so many particles off the LM out there that I don't believe you could recognize a star pattern - in the telescope ever, but they show up just perfect in the sextant.

029 57 31 Peterson: Roger.

029 57 35 Mattingly: Sure makes you appreciate one of these nondrifting platforms.

029 57 39 Peterson: Roger. Ken, in view of that, you can do that water dump any time you want.

029 57 53 Mattingly: Oh, we'll go ahead and do that. Do you have any objections to our going ahead and going to the attitude?

029 58 11 Mattingly: Looks like we're really crowding the length of time it's going to take to dump the water - up against the burn time.

029 58 20 Peterson: Yes, you can go ahead - you can go ahead to attitude, or do the water dump whichever you want.

029 58 29 Mattingly: Okay, we'll - we'll go ahead and go to attitude and see what we have for time.

029 58 35 Peterson: Roger.

029 58 36 Mattingly: I'd like to - We'll get the star check off in the first priority.

029 58 39 Peterson: Roger.

030 02 48 Duke: Pete, we go to stop charging Bat A now?

030 02 54 Peterson: Roger, 16.

030 03 34 Peterson: And, 16, you can delete charging Battery A after the burn; it's charged sufficiently.

030 03 42 Duke: Okay.

030 04 27 Peterson: 16, I've got some gyro drift updates and PIPA bias for you, when you're ready to copy.

030 04 54 Mattingly: Okay, go ahead.

030 04 57 Peterson: Okay, the gyro drift - I'll give you addresses and numbers. Address 1460, 77552; address 1461, 77756; address 1462, 77307.

030 05 31 Mattingly: Okay. That's 1460, 77552; 1461, 77756; 1462, 77307.

030 05 44 Peterson: That's affirmative. And on the PIPA bias, the address is 1456, 76747; Omni Alfa, 16.

030 06 01 Mattingly: Okay, 1456, 76747.

030 06 06 Peterson: That's affirmative, and did you copy Omni Alfa?

030 06 15 Mattingly: You say Omni Alfa?

030 06 17 Peterson: Roger.

PAO This is Apollo Control at 30 hours, 11 minutes. We are now about 28 minutes away from the scheduled ignition, for the midcourse correction. The first to be performed on this leg of the flight to the Moon. That maneuver again will be performed with the spacecraft Service Propulsion System engine. It will be a burn of about two seconds duration. Providing about 12.6 feet [3.84 metres] per second in velocity change.

030 11 40 Young: Pete, you're on the high gain. Do you want Reacq and Narrow?

030 11 47 Peterson: Just a moment. Reacq and Narrow, Johnny.

030 11 54 Young: Roger.

030 12 46 Young: Okay, the star check checks out good. It's right in the middle, and the waste water dump is in work.

030 12 55 Peterson: Say, again, John; I didn't copy that.

030 13 01 Young: Star checks good; it's right in the middle, and the waste water dump is in work.

030 13 05 Peterson: Roger.

030 22 57 Mattingly: Don, could you tell us if - if the Delta-VC number you gave us includes any kind of a bias to compensate for the minute of EMS on time prior to ignition?

030 23 10 Peterson: Just a moment.

030 23 13 Mattingly: Yeah, I'm not asking for one; I'm just asking if that's in there.

030 23 16 Peterson: Okay, stand by while I check it.

030 23 47 Mattingly: Okay. We are terminating the waste water dump now.

030 23 52 Peterson: Roger.

030 24 16 Peterson: Ken, the pad does take that into account.

030 24 22 Mattingly: Okay; thank you, sir.

PAO This is Apollo Control at 30 hours, 29 minutes. We are now about ten minutes away from the scheduled ignition time for the midcourse correction maneuver to be performed with the spacecraft Service Propulsion System engine. A very short burn of about two seconds duration. This maneuver will change the point of closest approach to the moon from it's present value of about 117 nautical miles 217 kilometres] down from [sic - means "to"] the desired altitude of 71 nautical miles 131 kilometres] at which point the Lunar Orbit Insertion maneuver would be performed placing the spacecraft in the nominal 58 by 170 nautical mile [107 by 315 kilometres] orbit about the Moon. Again that maneuver now is scheduled to be performed nine minutes, 30 seconds from now. At the present time Apollo 16 is 118 926 nautical miles [220,251 kilometres] from Earth, traveling at a speed of 4,528 feet [1,380 metres] per second. Flight Director Pete Frank has checked the status with all of his Flight Controllers and we appear to be in good shape for the maneuver. The crew has completed virtually all of the activities prior to the midcourse correction and everything looks good at this point.

030 33 04 Young: Okay, we've pressurize the - the - pressure in the SPS now.

030 33 12 Peterson: Roger.

[CM Tape starts]

030 33 18 Young (onboard): [Garble].Helium Valves, two, Auto.

030 33 19 Mattingly (onboard): Helium Valves. You got two in Auto, right?

030 33 21 Young (onboard): Yeah.

030 33 22 Mattingly (onboard): What's the - what did the pressure go to?

030 33 24 Young (onboard): [Garble] have to go without that TVC Servo Power, AC1 and AC...

030 33 26 Mattingly (onboard): One and two is done.

030 33 27 Young (onboard): Okay. Then RA - RHC number 2 to AC.

030 33 29 Mattingly (onboard): Number 2 to AC.

030 33 30 Young (onboard): Direct, two, to Off.

030 33 31 Mattingly (onboard): Direct, twos are Off.

030 33 32 Young (onboard): BMAG, three, to 1/2.

030 33 33 Mattingly (onboard): One, 2, 3, to 1/2.

030 33 37 Young (onboard): You have Spacecraft Control to SCS.

030 33 39 Mattingly (onboard): SCS.

030 33 40 Young (onboard): RHC number 2 to armed.

030 33 42 Mattingly (onboard): Number 2's armed.

030 33 43 Young (onboard): Pitch 1 - 1 and YAW 1 to START.

030 33 46 Mattingly (onboard): Main A? Here we go; one.

030 33 48 Duke (onboard): It's Start.

030 33 49 Mattingly (onboard): Two.

030 33 50 Duke (onboard): It's Start.

030 33 51 Young (onboard): Okay. Verify trim control and set. Verify...

030 33 53 Young: Okay, Houston. I'm looking at oxidizer pressure of just about 210. We're going to leave the valves in Auto.

030 34 00 Peterson: Roger.

030 34 01 Young (onboard): Okay.

030 34 03 Mattingly (onboard): Minus 0.12. Okay.

030 34 07 Young (onboard): Verify MTVC.

030 34 09 Mattingly (onboard): Pitch is good. Yaw is good.

030 34 11 Young (onboard): Okay, [Garble]...

030 34 12 Mattingly (onboard): [Garble] feel that baby this time. Okay, going to CMC.

030 34 15 Young (onboard): Spacecraft Control to CMC. Yes.

030 34 16 Mattingly (onboard): Goes back to zero.

030 34 17 Young (onboard): Yes.

030 34 18 Mattingly (onboard): No MTVC.

030 34 19 Young (onboard): [Garble] MTVC.

030 34 20 Mattingly (onboard): Okay?

030 34 21 Young (onboard): THC is...

030 34 22 Mattingly/Young (onboard): Going clockwise -

030 34 23 Mattingly (onboard): Mark.

030 34 24 Young (onboard):/Mattingly (onboard): No MTVC.

030 34 25 Mattingly (onboard): Main B, Charlie.

030 34 26 Duke (onboard): Go ahead.

030 34 27 Mattingly (onboard): Here goes one.

030 34 29 Duke (onboard): And one.

030 34 31 Mattingly (onboard): Two.

030 34 32 Duke (onboard): And one.

030 34 33 Young (onboard): [Garble] set GPI trim...

030 34 34 Mattingly (onboard): Hmmm.

030 34 35 Young (onboard): ...and verify the MTVC.

030 34 40 Mattingly (onboard): Yeah.

030 34 41 Young (onboard): Here you go.

030 34 42 Mattingly (onboard): Huh? Okay, they're set.

030 34 45 Young (onboard): Okay.

030 34 46 Mattingly (onboard): MTVC is good in pitch, good in yaw. Back to neutral. They go back to zero, back in CMC. Key Release. Pro.

030 34 56 Young (onboard): Pro.

030 35 09 Mattingly (onboard): Looks good to me.

030 35 00 Young (onboard): Okay; Enter.

030 35 12 Mattingly (onboard): All right. Want me to get - let me get the atti - We're still oscillating. Let me get that squared away before I go back to -

030 35 21 Young (onboard): Okay, let's Enter on that, okay?

030 35 22 Mattingly (onboard): Yeah, yeah, that's fine.

030 35 23 Young (onboard): Enter.

030 35 24 Mattingly (onboard): But don't Pro yet. Okay , got that.

030 35 35 Young (onboard): Okay?

030 35 36 Mattingly (onboard): Yes, sir. Go ahead. Minus 2.

030 35 40 Young (onboard): Really shakes the [garble]

030 35 42 Mattingly (onboard): Sure does. Plus 2. Minus 2. Boy, did that thing pulse on zero. Trim. Looks good.

PAO This is Apollo Control. We are now about three minutes away from the ignition of this midcourse correction. Everything continues to look good. The spacecraft is in the proper attitude, the SPS tanks are pressurized. And we're now two minutes, 35 seconds from ignition.

030 35 57 Young (onboard): Okay.

030 36 01 Mattingly (onboard): Okay. Scale is 5/1. Going to Rate, High. Wait for 59. I got Delta-V, 8.3. You're gonna need Bank A.

030 36 18 Young (onboard): Yeah [garble]...

030 36 19 Mattingly (onboard): I'll shut it off.

030 36 20 Young (onboard): All right.

030 36 21 Mattingly (onboard): [Garble] this way. Turn her off at three seconds, or if you holler.

030 36 28 Young (onboard): Okay.

030 36 29 Mattingly (onboard): Okay. Did the pressure stop going up?

030 36 31 Duke (onboard): Yeah. It stopped at about 209.

030 36 32 Mattingly (onboard): Okay. But - but it stopped on its own. It wasn't because you let go.

030 36 35 Duke (onboard): Yeah.

030 36 36 Mattingly (onboard): Okay. That was all I wanted. All righty.

030 36 39 Duke (onboard): Fuel side went up to about 175.

030 36 42 Mattingly (onboard): Okay. Okay, [garble] I what there was about that Delta-P? We haven't made such an issue of the Delta-P before.

030 36 56 Duke (onboard): See that? We said fuel and Ox greater than the Delta-P - greater than 35, Ox greater than fuel. That's what we got right now. Man, I thought I burned them all.

030 37 07 Mattingly (onboard): Okay. Coming up on - coming up on a minute. Still have no thrust light on. I have no translation control power on because we don't have any - don't have any ullage.

030 37 30 Young (onboard): Yep.

030 37 36 Duke (onboard): Well, if you want to trim, you got plenty.

030 37 37 Young (onboard): Point 5 ...

030 37 38 Mattingly (onboard): Yeah. I'll catch it afterwards.

030 37 40 Young (onboard): ...well, [garble] worry about the trim.

030 37 45 Mattingly (onboard): We'll get this one right on time. See if their bias looks good. Oh.

PAO Now one minute from ignition.

030 37 57 Young (onboard): There's a minute - coming up.

030 38 02 Mattingly (onboard): Mark it. The Delta-V in Normal. The light is still out. I 'm bringing on Delta-V Thrust Switch A. Stand by.

030 38 11 Mattingly (onboard): Mark. Thrust A.

030 38 13 Young (onboard): [Garble].

030 38 20 Mattingly (onboard): Yeah. Nothing more to do but monitor and shut down an overburn.

030 38 28 Young (onboard): [Garble] lights.

030 38 36 Mattingly (onboard): [Garble] flashing. Okay. That doggone EMS isn't even going anywhere.

030 38 42 Young (onboard): [Garble] 16, 17 [garble]

PAO Coming up on ten seconds to ignition.

030 38 59 Mattingly (onboard): Okay.

030 39 01 Duke (onboard): He's open.

030 39 02 Young (onboard): One.

030 39 03 Mattingly (onboard): 1000.

030 39 04 Young (onboard): Two.

030 39 05 Duke (onboard): No.

030 39 06 Mattingly (onboard): Beautiful.

030 39 07 Young (onboard): Isn't that pretty?

030 39 08 Duke (onboard): 2.1.

030 39 10 Young (onboard): Have you seen the SPS Thrust light? (Laughter) Okay.

030 39 15 Mattingly (onboard): I don't know, John. I really don't.

PAO And our guidance officer reports the burn :is complete. It was scheduled to be a two second burn with a change in velocity of 12.6 feet [3.84 metres] per second.

030 39 24 Young: Well, the old burn's complete, Houston. It's a big boot.

030 39 29 Peterson: Roger.

030 39 29 Mattingly (onboard): Okay. You want that to go to translation - we take that to 0.2, right?

030 39 32 Young/Duke (onboard): Yeah.

030 39 33 Mattingly (onboard): Okay. No weight to make. I'll let you -

030 39 41 Young (onboard): Oh, man.

030 39 46 Mattingly (onboard): You got it?

030 39 47 Young (onboard): You've got it.

030 39 48 Duke (onboard): I've got it.

030 39 49 Mattingly (onboard): It's off.

030 39 50 Duke (onboard): Got a [garble]., John.

030 39 51 Young (onboard): Okay. Plus 0.1.

030 39 52 Duke (onboard): Okay [garble].

030 39 53 Young (onboard): Plus 0.1, minus O, plus i [sic].

030 39 57 Duke (onboard): Plus 0.17

030 39 58 Young (onboard): Yeah. Minus 0, plus 0.1. And minus -

030 40 04 Duke (onboard): Delta-V C was plus or minus 3.17

030 40 05 Young (onboard): Minus 3.1.

030 40 08 Duke (onboard): Okay, what was our trim attitude?

030 40 l0 Mattingly (onboard): Okay, you got these? Okay, Just hit [garble].

030 40 16 Young (onboard): 9411, 35268...

030 40 20 Duke (onboard): Wait a minute.

030 40 21 Young (onboard): Plus 09411...

030 40 22 Mattingly (onboard): Let - let's get some gimbals off.

030 40 23 Young (onboard): Get the gimbals off [garble] here.

030 40 25 Duke (onboard): Okay, let's [garble]...

030 40 26 Mattingly (onboard): Main B...

030 40 27 Duke (onboard): Go ahead.

030 40 28 Mattingly (onboard): All right, Main B, Number 1.

030 40 29 Duke (onboard): Good.

030 40 30 Mattingly (onboard): Number 2.

030 40 31 Duke (onboard): Good.

030 40 32 Mattingly (onboard): Main A.

030 40 33 Duke (onboard): Go.

030 40 34 Mattingly (onboard): Number 1.

030 40 35 Duke (onboard): Good.

030 40 36 Mattingly (onboard): Number 2.

030 40 37 Duke (onboard): Good.

030 40 38 Mattingly (onboard): Okay.

030 40 39 Duke (onboard): [Garble]

030 40 40 Mattingly (onboard): Servo Powers are Off. Got the residuals killed.

030 40 42 Duke (onboard): [garble]

030 40 43 Mattingly (onboard): Okay.

030 41 12 Duke: Okay, Houston. Do you want a burn report or did y'all see everything?

030 41 16 Peterson: Stand by one. 16, we'd like a burn report.

030 41 25 Duke: Okay, Delta-T. was 0; burn time was, on my watch, Ig 2.1. We got trim within an attitude of 094, 352, 008; plus 0.1; minus 0; plus 0.1; Delta-VC, minus 3.1. Fuel is reading 010, and Ox, 010; no unbalance.

030 21 55 Peterson: Roger; copy.

030 41 56 Duke: And on board, our fuel - Okay, Pete, and on board, the fuel pres - during the burn, the fuel pressure dropped to 170 and the oxidizer dropped to 200.

030 42 08 Peterson: Understand, 170 and 200.

030 43 21 Young: Okay, Houston, our LM/CM Delta-P is 0.8. You want to go ahead and do the Tunnel Vent to Vent until greater than 2.7, right?

030 43 34 Peterson: Affirmative.

030 46 07 Young: Houston, what's your best guess on how long this baby will get to 2.7 if it started off at 0.9?

030 46 13 Peterson: Stand by 1. I'll get you a number. They're saying an hour and 50 minutes.

030 46 24 Young: That's about what we - that's about what it looks like to me.

030 46 28 Peterson: Roger. Understand.

030 46 46 Peterson: John, you using Charlie's wristwatch to get that number?

030 46 53 Young: No, I was just remembering how small that tunnel venthole is.

030 46 57 Peterson: Roger.

PAO This is Apollo Control at 3 hours - at 30 hours, 52 minutes. It'll probably be on the order of two to two and a half hours from now before the Flight Dynamics Officer has sufficient tracking data to confirm that the midcourse correction had the desired effect. That being to lower the point of closest approach to the Moon from the value that we had prior to the maneuver of 117 nautical miles [217 kilometres] down to the desired altitude of 71 [nautical miles - 131 kilometres] and also to place the spacecraft arrival time at the desired flight plan time. The preliminary numbers however did appear to be normal and we'll be confirming that with tracking data. At the present time the crew is beginning preparations for entering the Lunar Module. This is for the second time and at present they are venting the tunnel, the docking tunnel between the LM and the command module. So that they have a differential pressure of about 2.7 pounds per square inch [19 kilopascals], between the tunnel and the Command Module. The Command Module's cabin pressure is somewhere around 5 to 5 and 1/2 pounds per square inch [35 to 38 kilopascals]. This venting is being done to remove as much of the atmosphere from the LM as possible within a reasonable amount of time. The first time that we went into the lunar module last night the atmosphere in the Command Module still contains a small percentage of nitrogen of course. At launch, we're launching 60% oxygen, 40% nitrogen, and this is gradually replaced with pure oxygen in the Command Module. By going into the Lunar Module, earlier than normal, the amount of nitrogen that's allowed into the Lunar Module is greater than normal and therefore in order to have the oxygen content in the LM as close to pure oxygen as possible we are venting the lunar module down, the cabin will then be pumped up again prior to ingress, with pure oxygen and using this procedure we remove as much of the nitrogen as possible from the Lunar Module cabin. The estimate on this venting procedure is that it would require about an hour and a half. And we don't expect this to have any effect on the flight plan schedule for the crews' entering the Lunar Module. This should occur as it is planned in the flight plan. At the present time Apollo 16 is 120,000 nautical miles [222,240 kilometres] from Earth and the spacecraft velocity is down now to 4,486 feet [1,367 metres] per second.

030 55 31 Peterson: 16, would you verify H2 Tanks 1 and 2 Heaters, Off, and H2 Tank 3 Fan, Auto?

030 55 44 Young: Oh, oh, we got Tanks 1 and 2 Heaters in Auto, and - and Fan 3 in Auto. I'll turn H2 Heaters 1 and 2, Off.

030 55 53 Peterson: Roger; thank you.




Day One Part Five:
Trans-Lunar Coast

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Day Two Part Two:
LM Entry and Checks