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Public Health Information Class in Houston

The NN/LM SCR will be offering the class Public Health Information on the Web at the Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library on September 10, 2008 from 8:30 am – 12:30 pm.

Course description:

The field of public health encompasses a wide array of disciplines including health education, epidemiology and nursing. Digital literacy and the effective utilization of online information are among the core public health informatics competencies for the 21st century. This hands-on class will highlight web resources tailored to the public health workforce.

At the completion of the class, participants will be able to:

* Define the role of information in the public health environment
* Identify resources to support health education and promotional programs and activities
* Retrieve information in support of evidence-based public practice
* Obtain data sets and statistics relevant to public health on a state, local and national level

To register for the class:

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