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NN/LM SCR Offers New Class: ABCs of DNA

The National Network of Libraries of Medicine, South Central Region is now offering the class ABCs of DNA: Unraveling the Mystery of Genetics Information for Consumers. This 4-hour hand-on class explores basic concepts such as genes and chromosomes and offers an overview of genetic disorders, genetic testing, genetic counseling, and the Human Genome Project. Ethical and legal issues associated with genetic disorders will be covered with regard to privacy, discrimination, and potential legislative impact on medicine and society. A variety of reliable health information resources will be demonstrated, including, but not limited to: Genetics Home Reference,, NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders), and MedlinePlus.

Upon successful completion of this class, each participant will receive 4 hours of continuing education credit awarded by the Medical Library Association. This class is approved by the Medical Library Association for the Consumer Health Information Specialization Program ( For more information about the class, please go to:

If you are interested in hosting this class at your institution free of charge, please contact Karen Vargas at

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